The Institute of International Strategy in the UK issued a report that China and the United States continued to compete for expanding influence in the Asia -Pacific region, but conflicts that happened in Europe and the Middle East dispersed the attention of the United States.

The British Institute of International Strategy's Institute of International Strategy issued the 2024 Asia -Pacific Safety Evaluation Report during the 21st Shangri -La dialogue on Friday (May 31).The report mentioned that "toughness against China" has become the main theme of the United States that crosses the differences between the party. For example, whether it is a trade war, tariffs or technical control, the Democratic Party President Biden has expanded and improved the practice of former Republican president Trump.

The report also said that China's coercion in economic, military and security issues disturb regional countries, but they still need to rely on Beijing's economic strength to achieve their economic prosperity.In addition to being optimistic about China's economic prospects, how to deal with China's coercion is a issue that many decision makers are always concerned.

Evan Laksmana, editor -in -chief, pointed out in the report that Sino -US strategic competition is no longer limited to the security issues that national defense and military decision makers are concerned.And competition also appeared.

Lax Mana said that the Asia -Pacific security architecture is "undergoing renovation", its key pillar -economic integration, defense cooperation relationship, and multilateralism led by Asian fine security, etc., are impacted due to the deterioration of regional environment.

"It is unclear how wide the scope of renovation is, how long time is, and what the final structure will look like, but the regional security structure after the Cold War is slowly to make a new model that has not yet been completed."