China's official Wednesday (May 29) criticized the United States to continue to transport weapons such as ammunition to other countries to exacerbate regional tensions and regional armed conflicts.

According to the CCTV news report, the State Council's news office issued the annual US infringement of human rights reports on Wednesday, criticizing the United States for a long time to pursue hegemonism, implement power politics, abuse force and unilateral sanctions.

The report refers to the United States continues to transport weapons such as ammunition in other countries, exacerbating regional tensions and regional armed conflicts, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties and serious humanitarian crises.The "foreign agent" action is greatly implemented to destroy the social stability of other countries and infringe on human rights in other countries.

The report also said that the human rights situation in the United States continued to deteriorate in 2023.In the United States, human rights are developing in the direction of increasingly differentiated.American political parties fight, government disability, and failure, and civic and political rights cannot be effectively guaranteed.Large -scale shootings continued to turn high, police law enforcement abuse of violence, and government credibility continued to fall.