When meeting in Singapore in 2023, the Sino -US Defense Minister stopped shaking hands with politeness. The two names were actually "eating on a table" but realized zero interaction.Meeting.

China has not confirmed whether the defense chief Dong Jun will meet with the United States Defense Minister Austin, but the Pentagon has announced that Austin will meet with Dong Jun in Singapore during the conversation of Shangri -La on Friday.This is a further physical meeting after the video call of the two people in April this year, ending the dilemma of the China -US defense ministers without substantial contact.

For more than a year before, the communication between China and the United States was completely disconnected.The reason was that Dong Jun's former Li Shangfu was sanctioned by the United States earlier, and China rejected Li Shangfu to talk to the United States by the sanctioned body.The two sides were deadlocked. The stalemate was removed from office in Li Shangfu, and Dong Jun was resolved before taking office.

Dong Jun, who was born in the navy commander, arrived in Singapore on Thursday (May 30), co -hosted the newly -defensive dialogue with the Minister of Defense Huang Yonghong, and also visited the Changi Naval Base.Then, he will enter the highlight of the world's attention -Sino -US defense talks, and confront Austin at the fragrant meeting. It is expected to be a splashing scene.

The sovereignty disputes of the South China Sea are bound to be a major theme of this year's incense meeting.Since February 2023, China -Philippine relations have developed negatively all the way. The sovereignty disputes around the South China Sea Ren Ai Reef have continued. Sea friction and diplomatic warfare and public opinion war have become more intense, and the situation with Huangyan Island has followed.In order to have a gentleman agreement, internal understanding, new models, and "recording doors", etc.

This year was invited to give a lecture for the opening of the Xianghui. Maccous will inevitably use the opportunity to state the Philippines's sovereignty claims, and accuse China of the fierce behavior, criticize China to allow sea police ships to fire on foreign ships.The heavenly conference frame set a tone of "criticizing China".

On the stage of Xianghui, the Philippines will be supported by the United States and more Western countries. Some of the former sea countries of Asia's member states, even if they have active relationships with China, are actually claiming to China ’s“ Nine Section Line ”in China’ s South China Sea.It is deeply disturbed and there are controversy. Therefore, many representatives may ask Dong Jun to ask Dong Jun with sharp questions and discussions.Whether Dong Jun can take care of people and reverse the situation at that time, it will not exacerbate China's aggressive impression, but also shows the demeanor and responsibility of China's great powers, and directly test the ability of Dong Jun and the Chinese delegation to react and react on the spot.

Having said that although the lineup of the Western camp of Austin, his burden was not light or even heavier at all.According to the International News Agency's discussion of the non -named US defense officials, Austin has two tasks on this trip. One is to appease the Asian allies in the United States. Let everyone believe that although the United States pays attention to the Gaza and Ukraine War, it will continue to assist in the region to "confront" China in China.; The second is to relieve the tension with China.

His second task was a bit surprising. It turned out that the United States was pressing China step by step on issues such as science and technology, production capacity, and aid in Russia. It actually did not want to have a relationship with China too rigid.These two major tasks are contradictory. It seems that the United States has also been in a dilemma that Chinese people are familiar with "both, and also".

But Austin had to try to achieve "both, and also."If you are not soothing allies -the Philippines is just one example, showing the United States' determination and ability to maintain regional peace and stability, and ensure that the security commitment to allies is firm, then some countries in this region may adjust the distance to China. After all, China is near the United States.It will lead to the unstable global hegemony status in the United States.

Don't forget, many experiences in the past show that whenever there is an accident in China or other parts of the world, the United States' focus and commitment to Asia has declined significantly.At present, the problem of habits has damaged the reputation of the United States' international image, especially in the Islamic world.Furthermore, after the U.S. election in November this year, whether Trump returned to the White House that caused the US diplomatic direction to change tremendly, everyone had no bottom.These situations are superimposed to appease the ally, Austin really worked a lot.At this time, the United States could not afford to make trouble with China, so it must also appease China.

What about Austin and Dong Jun?It is estimated that on the one hand, the situation of the South China Sea and the stability of the Taiwan Strait stabilized the United States. On the other hand, it was impressed by China's trade and support for Russia and expressed its willingness to control the situation with China.Dong Jun will also counterattack one by one. For example, on the Taiwan issue, he will go back with "not tolerate the United States", and then use it to fight against the United States.

On the issue of Taiwan, Dong Jun may take advantage of it slightly.Like the recent military exercise in Taiwan, the U.S. State Department first expressed congratulations after a large -scale inauguration speech in Lai Qingde, Taiwan, and then when the PLA large military exercise was large -scale, the United States "deeply followed" and strongly called on Beijing to restrain.In short, the United States asked Lai Qingde to say what he wanted to say in his inauguration, and let the PLA exercise in the Taiwan Strait to practice and preview the preview.

The United States just knows the red line of the mainland, so sometimes the impulse to "play Taiwan cards" from time to time, but with the narrowing gap between China and the United States and the growth of the Chinese navy, the American or American politicians such as Pelosi "play Taiwanese cards", but insteadIt provides a south for Beijing's breakthrough status.The reason behind this is precisely because the United States cannot bear to turn his face with China.

In order to infer that at the coming Sino -US Defense Minister's dialogue and incense meeting, Dong Jun and Austin can foresee that they will not show weakness and swords, but they will also keep the bottom line and talk well when they close the door.Some senior diplomatic observer of Singapore predict that the spark at the incense meeting will only be a "singing drama."

But how to sing this "big show", everyone has to watch.After all, what China and the United States really need to persuade each other is not each other, but the majority of third -party countries. Everyone will judge and choose which big country is more reliable, so the grace will be important.

There is also a little attention. Although Dong Jun has taken over as the Chinese Defense Minister, he is not yet a member of the Central Military Commission and not a member of the State.At the incense meeting, whether his aura is enough to calm down the field, it will also be observed closely.