Said Chinese Ministry of Defense, a spokesman for the Chinese MinistryKeep a strategic communication on the high -level Sino -US military.

According to China News Agency, the Ministry of National Defense held a regular press conference on Thursday (May 30).

When answering the question of whether the Sino -US Defense Minister will meet during the Shangri -La dialogue, Wu Qian said that China believes that maintaining strategic communication between the Chinese and American armies will help stabilize the relationship between the two armies and enhance mutual understanding of each other., China is open to this.

Wu Qian said that in recent times, under the strategic guidance of the heads of state of the two countries, the Chinese and American armed forces have strengthened communication.But at the same time, we must also see that the United States ignores the core interests and major concerns of the Chinese side on some issues, and artificially manufacture the risk of confrontation. This is the root cause of the ups and downs of the relationship between the two armies of the Chinese and American armies.

Wu Qian said, I hope that the United States and China will do it, effectively implement the important consensus of the two heads of state, adhere to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation, and add more positive development to the stable development of the relationship between the two armies.factor."If the two national defense ministers do meet, we will hold a media hair dryer for the first time. Welcome to media friends to pay attention in time."

The website of the Chinese Ministry of Defense released a news on Monday that from May 29th to June 3rd, China Defense Minister Dong Jun will be invited to attend the 21st Shangri -La dialogue and visit Singapore.On Friday, the US Pentagon announced that US Secretary of Defense Austin will meet with Dong Jun during the conversation of Dong Jun in Shangri -La.