Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that when global energy transformation is difficult, the "overcapacity" of Chinese green products is harming the common interests of all mankind.

According to the WeChat public account of the "Chinese Embassy in the United States", Xie Feng said on Wednesday (May 29) in the high -level activities of China and the United States in California, USA.Climate changes, the fate of various countries and the Communist Party of China can win a win -win situation, and zero -harmony will inevitably lose.

He said that those who have competing for China in China should understand that "we are facing a key 10 years in response to climate crisis and avoiding global disasters."When the world's green capacity is seriously insufficient and the global energy transformation is difficult, the smearing Chinese green products "overcapacity" and protectism in the name of competition is harming the common interests of all mankind.

Xie Feng said that China insists on taking the road of green and low -carbon sustainable development. The capacity of renewable energy installation exceeds fossil energy and is one of the countries with the fastest energy consumption strength in the world.The time is from carbon peak to carbon neutral.

He also said that global climate governance is inseparable from Sino -US cooperation.As the largest developing country and the largest developed country, China and the United States have their own strengths in terms of energy transformation and circular economy. They can be fully complementary, long -term, and short -term.

Xie Feng pointed out that in the past 10 years, China and the United States have been in the milestone document of the international community to reach the Paris Agreement.In the past two years, China and the United States have restarted climate cooperation.This twists and turns reveal a simple principle, that is, the China -US climate cooperation is inseparable from the environment of Sino -US relations."While seeking dialogue cooperation and harming the interests of the other party, it is obviously not good."New Field.U.S. Finance Minister Yellen, German Chancellor, Tsumarz, and US Secretary of State Brosky, all expressed concerns about China's excess capacity when they visited China.At the same time, the European Union launched an anti -subsidy survey on a number of Chinese new energy companies. The United States also announced that it would impose tariffs on imported goods such as electric vehicles, semiconductors, steel and aluminum and port cranes.