The US Constitution has no prohibition of felony to run for a felony to run for President Trump or will never be jailed

Former US President Trump in sealing fee case Forge business recordsThe accusations of felony were established , and the highest sentence of felony judgment was four years in prison, but Trump may never be prison.

The New York Times reported that Trump may be suspended, and he will definitely appeal to the verdict, which means that the sealing fee may take several years to get a case.

Nevertheless, the New York jury's guilty ruling made on the Trump sealing fee on Thursday (May 30) was an indelible moment in American history.The sealing fee was the only case in which Trump's four federal criminal cases were tried and judged before the US presidential election day in November this year.

Judge Moqin announced after a jury made a decision that the Trump sealing fee case was announced at 10 am on July 11 (10 pm Singapore time on July 11).

Although the New York Court ruled that Trump forged a commercial record to cover up his felony, but Trump can still serve as President of the United States.

It is reported that there are no clauses in the US Constitution for prohibiting a figurine from running for president or serving in the White House.

Trump has been insisted on political motivation for his case for a long time.It is expected that Trump will try to use the verdict of the sealing fee during the campaign to seek benefits for himself and depict himself as the victim of the Democratic Party conspiracy.

The Republican Conference will be held from July 15th to 18th. Trump will be officially nominated as the Republican presidential candidate at the Republican Conference.

Sealing fee: The New York Jury ruled that all Trump's 34 crimes were established

The former president of the United States

The former president of the United States
Trump sealing fee.

Comprehensive Reuters and New York Times reported that Trump was the first former president in American history.

77-year-old Trump He was accused of trying to cover up He and porn actress Daniels (Stormy Daniels's sexual affairs, forged business records to cover up a sealing fee of $ 130,000 (about $ 175,000) to Daniels before the US presidential election in 2016 to avoid affecting his presidential campaign.

After two days of review, the jury consisting of 12 people has been established on Thursday (May 30) that all 34 crimes faced by Trump were established.The ruling of each Trump's charges must be unanimously agreed by all jurors.

Trump said after the jury announced the verdict "shame", and said that the judge Juan Merchan, who was responsible for the sealing fee case.

U.S. President Biden and his family are in Lobosbich, Tellafa, and did not make a public trip that day.

Biden -Harrisri's re -election team issued a statement after the New York jury announced the ruling, saying that Trump was "a felony of convicted criminals."

声明说:“今天在纽约,我们看到,没有人可以凌驾于法律之上。但今天的判决不能改变美国人民面临的一个简单现实。只有一个方法可以阻止特朗普The White House was voted.After the regiment made a ruling, it was announced that the sentencing of Trump's forged business records was announced at 10 am on July 11 (10 pm on July 11, Singapore time).

The Republican Conference will be held from July 15th to 18th. Trump will be officially nominated as the Republican presidential candidate at the Republican Conference.

Trump, who strives to return to the White House in November, a total of four federal criminal cases were in the face of 88 criminal charges. In addition to the sealing fee, he also faced in the face of January 2021.,,, riot incident Increase the results of the Presidential Election of 2020 , and Improper handling criminal proceedings of confidential documents after step -down .Trump did not plead guilty of all charges.