Chinese Ministry of National Defense spokesman Wu Qian described after the meeting of China and the United States Defense. The meeting was a positive, pragmatic and constructive strategic communication.The Russian and Ukraine War, Harbin conflict, etc.

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin and Chinese Defense Circle Dong Jun met in Singapore on Friday (May 31) in Singapore.

Wu Qian said at a blower held after the meeting that regarding the relationship between China and the United States, Dong Jun pointed out in the meeting that the current situation of the relationship between the two armed forces has stopped falling and stable, it is worthy of cherishment;The purpose is to improve understanding, eliminating misunderstandings, and accumulating mutual trust, and then realize the stability of relations; we must not ignore the facts, throw the pot to push, or even take the opportunity to discredit.

On the issue of Taiwan, Dong Jun emphasized that the Taiwan issue is purely in the Chinese internal affairs and has no right to interfere with external forces; the inauguration of Lai Qingde in the United States congratulates him, and sent a delegation to participate in his inauguration ceremony, which seriously violates a Chinese principle. China and the United StatesThe three joint bulletin issued a serious error number to the Taiwan independence split forces, and China resolutely opposed it.

On the issue of the South China Sea, Wu Qian said that Dong Jun pointed out at the meeting that the Philippines on the issue of Renai Reef has been faithful and picky, which is closely related to the encouragement and support of external forces, especially in the United States.The machine, the mid -to -Philippine -in -deployment system, pose a substantial threat to the security of the region, and the Chinese side resolutely oppose it.

Wu Qian said that China insists on obeying commitments and resolves the differences between the South China Sea through equal negotiation, but it will never be tolerated.

On the issue of Ukraine, Dong Jun pointed out at the meeting that China has always adhered to an objective and fair position, promoted political solving the Ukrainian issue, kept his promise, did not provide weapons to both parties to the conflict, and implemented the exports of military and dual -purpose items in accordance with laws and regulations in accordance with laws and regulations.Strict control, China will continue to persuade and talk about the constructive role, but resolutely oppose the United States for pushing the pot.

Regarding the overall situation of the Sino -US defense ministers, Wu Qian said that the meeting helps the two parties to improve their understanding and avoid misjudgment, and the effect is good. In the next step, the two sides will continue to communicate and communicate through military diplomatic channels.