Trump speaks to the media after being convicted

Figure sethwenig Published via Reuters

Trump became the first former US president on Thursday. The New York jury determined that he forged documents before the 2016 election to cover up the charges of covering a sealing fee to a stars.

After two days of review, the jury composed of 12 members determined that all 34 crimes faced by Trump were established.Any judgment needs to be approved by the jury.

Trump calmly watched the jurors voting to confirm the guilty judgment.

Judge Juan Merchaan will set the date of sentence to sentencing, a few days before the Republican National Congress opened on July 15th.The Republican Party is expected to officially nominate the President of Trump in the conference.

Merchaan thanks to the jurors for their service."No one can force you to do anything you don't want to do. The right to choose is in your hands," Merchaan said.

Before the Presidential Election Day of November 5, the judgment put the United States into an unknown area.

Trump, 77, denies inappropriate behaviors and is expected to appeal.

"This is a shame, this is a trial manipulated by corrupt judges," Trump told reporters after the incident.

"The real judgment will be made by the people on November 5th," Trump added: "I am a very innocent person."

The highest penalty he faced was four years of imprisonment.However, other people with similar crimes are usually sentenced to short sentences, or fines or probation.Prison will not hinder him to participate in the campaign. If he wins, he will not hinder him.

Trump will not be detained before the judge's sentence.

Public opinion survey shows that Trump and Biden's competition is very fierce, and the polls of Reuters/Yippso have found that guilty judgment may allow Trump to lose the support of some independent voters and Republican voters.A source who are familiar with Trump's campaign team in the team said that it is expected that the judgment will promote Trump to step up to consider selecting a woman as a vice presidential campaign partner.

Biden's campaign team said that the result shows that no one can override the law, but pointed out that Trump can still run for president.

The Bayeng campaign team said in the statement: "There is still only one method of blocking Trump in the White House's oval office door: votes."

The White House refused to comment on this.