From the perspective of Yang Rongwen, a former foreign minister of Singapore, the deep division of the United States has also lost a certain degree of self -confidence. Domestic politics in the United States is already the largest variable in the world today.The next US presidential election is very important to the world, but the internal differences of the United States are not easy to heal.

Cooperating with the Urban Reading Festival, Yang Rongwen attended on Tuesday (May 28) to attend Yang Rongwen held at the Nanyang Academy of Art: the second series of the Chinese version of the Chinese version of the Chinese version of the second series of Chinese version of the Chinese University.

He pointed out in his speech that it is difficult for the United States to accept multi -world. The rise of China has confused people in the entire political spectrum of the United States. Many Americans think that China's goal is to replace the United States as a global hegemon.

At the same time, China has been vigilant about the containment of the United States. The former Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai said in December 2021 that the United States had no bottom line for China.

Yang Rongwen carefully looked at Cui Tiankai's speech and videos, and found that Cui Tiankai read this sentence according to the draft, which means that this content is thoughtful, and China does not have fantasies when dealing with the United States.

He commented: "The United States is worried about the rise of China and wants to prevent it from happening, and the conclusion that China comes is that if you want to do not fight, you must prepare for the war."

Yang Rongwen: The U.S. military base and the carrier maintain world peace should not expect the United States to decline

But Yang Rongwen also reminded that the United States has deployed 800 military bases in large and small global large and small. Its aircraft carriers are rushing up to each ocean every day, maintaining world peace that is considered to be taken for granted, and people should not expect the United States to decline.

At the same time, the American people are also calculating to pay for weapons or people's livelihood.He said, "I don't doubt that Americans will choose people's livelihood, and military bases will start to close."

Yang Rongwen believes that the ideal situation is that the multi -world is headed by the United States and continues to lead multilateral consultations; while expressing unintentionally replacing China in the United States, assisting in maintaining a good global system and coordinating mechanism.This is necessary to respond to the threats of economic crisis, epidemic or terrorism.

The global financial crisis must cooperate to avoid durable crisis

Yang Rongwen also emphasized that if the global financial crisis occurs again, China and the United States must cooperate because if the two sides do not cooperate, the crisis will be lasting.

He quoted the views of the late American economic historian Charleskindleberger, pointing out that the Grand Economic Depression in the 1930s was the main reason for the leadership in the United Kingdom that the UK is no longer capable of continuing to lead the world, but with strengthThe United States does not want to do so.

Yang Rongwen also participated in the reader section of the reader section of the reader session of "Fragmentation and the Emergency of a Multipolar World", entitled "The rise and fragmentation of multi -pole society", which responded to the main surrounding international situation.question.

A total of three series is divided into three series, and the former senior media person Yun Dazhen interviewed, which included Yang Rongwen's views on the widespread topics such as the world, history, politics, economy, and philosophy. The Chinese version is translated by local translation expert Zhou Yunyi.

A total of 632 pages of condensation set the second series with the top of the western wave reached its peak, discussing the impact of China's rise on Christianity, Islam, Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the United States.Ink.

The second series of concentrations is priced at 37 yuan and 9 cents (including consumption tax)."" rel = nofollow target = _blank> ).

Urban Reading Festival was held from May 24th to June 2nd, and was held in Nanyi Campus, Yum!, National Library, and Binhai Art Center.The 10 -day event includes more than 20 literary lectures, sharing sessions, new book conferences, workshops and guides.For the public who want to participate in various lectures and activities, you can access the Internet