On the occasion of the situation in the Taiwan Strait, China -US Defense Minister will meet during the Shangri -La dialogue in Singapore next week.Interviewees believe that the dialogue between China and the United States in the field of defense and security is gradually moving towards stability and normalization. Frankly dialogue can help the two sides to clear the insurmountable red line.

The US Pentagon issued a statement on Friday (May 24) that US Secretary of Defense Austin will visit Singapore next week and attend the Shangri -La dialogue (referred to as Xiangxiang).The annual incense will be held in Singapore.

The statement says that Austin will meet with the Chinese Prime Minister Huang Xuncai and hold bilateral and multilateral meetings with the Defense Director of the Asia -Pacific countries.

Austin will also talk to the Chinese Minister of Defense Dong Jun.This will be the first meeting with Austin since Dong Jun took office in December last year. It is also another contact with the two -country defense minister since the video conference held in the middle of last month.

Beijing suspended his exchanges with the United States in August 2022 in August 2022 to protest the then Perlis, the president of the US House of Representatives.After the Sino -US dollar summit last November last year, the two sides agreed to restore the interruption of military high -level communication that has been interrupted for nearly a year and a half.

The Pentagon has not provided more details on the meeting of the two countries' defense ministers. Chinese officials have not yet released news.However, this meeting was heating up at the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan's issue is believed to be a focus of talks between the two parties.

Taiwan's new president When Lai Qingde was in office on May 20 , he proposed that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other"The "theory of the two countries", the Chinese Liberation Army in Mainland China has started around Taiwan.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said that the PLA had a total of 111 fighters and dozens of naval ships participated in the Taiwan military exercise.The Taiwanese government spokesman Guo Yahui criticized the PLA unilateral military provocations on Saturday to destroy the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, which is a blatant provocation of international order.


520 speeches, some analysis believes that Lai Qingde's bold cross -strait relations discuss has obtained acquiescence in the United States. Can China and the United States properly manage the risks of Taiwan and the sea and cause concerns.

Luo Minghui, assistant professor of public policy and global affairs courses in Nanyang University of Technology, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Austin and Dong Jun meeting will make the two sides clearly clear the red line that should not be passed and prevent any misjudgment.

He said: "For the United States, their red line does not want Beijing to change the status quo in military; China does not want to see any action that is regarded as supporting divisionism."

Austin and Dong Jun also talked about Taiwan issues at the video conference before.Austin reiterates that the United States is still committed to a Chinese policy guided by the three joint communiqués of Taiwan relations, the United States and China, and six guarantees for a long time; Dong Jun emphasized that Taiwan's issue is the core of China's core interests.Taiwan independence "split activities and external condonic support will never listen to it.

Song Wendi, a lecturer at the Asia -Pacific College of the National University of Australia, was judged in an interview. Even if the Sino -US defense ministers will have more frank dialogue on the Taiwan issue, the two sides will continue the previous arguments.

He said: "China will adhere to the Taiwan Strait and even the Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs. It is required that Taiwan does not collude with martial arts alone or colludes with international forces to internationalize the Taiwan Strait.It is an important international economic and trade waterway that allows more stakeholders to participate in the discussion and put pressure on China.

The South China Sea issue is expected to be another focus.The Philippines is a traditional allies in the United States. In recent months, China and the Philippines have been in the South China Sea Heating up.

According to the Philippine media reports, Philippine President President Macatus will attend the Xianghui and give a keynote speech. He is expected to clarify the position in the South China Sea issue.

Song Wendi predicts that China will vigorously criticize the United States to increase its military deployment in northern Philippines; the United States will rationalize its deployment in the region on the grounds that China ’s military marginal strategy of the South China Sea is upgraded.