This is a big trial that sensation in the United States. It is full of dirty details. There is also a former president on the defendant.

In fact, it is difficult to imagine what more court dramas starring Donald Trump is more exciting and in line with media taste. He was the most powerful figure in the world.There was an embarrassing sexual relationship with a porn actress.

In this political and legal drama, a man who is not known for humility has to listen to his eyes closely, because from the description of his satin pajamas to comparing him to "cartoon villain with cheese corn crisp sticks"Everything has entered the court record.

However, despite several weeks of testimony, millions of pages of documents, and live broadcast lenses that gathered outside the court to record the first criminal trial of the former US president, the US public seemed surprisingly indifferent.

The recent polls recently conducted by Yougov/Yahoo News showed that just 16%of the respondents said that they were "very close" to pay attention to the trial, and one -third of them said that they were "slightly interested."

More Americans expressed their trials that made them feel "boring" or "angry" instead of being interested.Other polls performed during the trial also have similar results.

学者和民调人员曾期待在曼哈顿下城1530号刑事法庭迎来全国性时刻,但随着陪审团裁决临近,现在他们反而觉得,无论结果如何,这可能都不是一场大戏,而More like a bubble.

Source, EPA

Trump has always denied that he has a sex relationship with "Stormy Daniels (Stormy Daniels), and his lawyer also tries to depict her as a lie in court.

They argued that Daniels used the notorious profit in allegations, including making money from a series of products, including a candle with "Saint of IndicTments".

In the most memorable confrontation in the trial, Trump's defense lawyer Susan Necheles said that the star "has rich experience and makes false sex stories real."

"Wow," Ms. Daniels burst into counterattack, "The sex in those movies is very real -just like in that hotel room." She also said that if the story is made up, she will "write better."" ".

She depicts such a picture: assuming that Trump opened the door of the hotel room in a pajamas, took off her underwear when she used the bathroom, and then had an unprotected and unexpected relationship. She saidThis shivered her and wanted to escape.

However, on the surface, this case has nothing to do with what happened in the guest room of the golf resort.On the contrary, crimes are alleged to cover up the facts.

Shortly before the 2016 election, Trump's relatives and lawyer Michael Cohen paid Daniels a $ 130,000 sealing fee.

They said that as the election approached, the Trump campaign team has eased from the video of the "Access Hollywood" program.Do whatever you want, including catching them.

Daniels stands out to tell his story, which will cause further damage.The prosecutor believes that this time explains why the Trump campaign team urgently needs to buy Daniel to seal her.

In some people's opinion, it doesn't seem to be surprising that the public's indifference to the case is not surprising.

First of all, Trump is a well -known figure and has always provoked anger.Famous messy is part of its brand, and there is a significant political difference in people's views on whether he has illegal behavior.

Secondly, there are far from the restraint of many people imagined by American voters, which is reflected in another sex scandal of different political age.

Bill Galston has served as a senior policy of the White House in the Clinton era. He is currently a senior researcher of the Brookings Institution.He said: "If you ask me if I am familiar with the sex scandal in or around the oval office, then I am of course familiar."

He said that today's trial of Trump was alleged to the then President Clinton in the late 1990s. Clinton was accused of lying to cover up the White House intern Monica Lewinsky) Sex scandal.

Galston said: "I have participated in the fierce discussion of the political circles. People want to know, where is the anger?"

The polls at that time were very similar to the current polls. Only 15%of the public said that they were closely paying close attention to Clinton's television impeachment case. A slightly more than one -third of people said they were watching "part of the content."

This is comparable to the results of the Trump trial.In contrast, Trump's trial did not live broadcast.

Clinton was convicted by the US Senate.So, will Trump get a similar pass?If this is not from the US criminal judicial system, what about the American people?

Gelston believes: "Some Americans may look at and say,‘ Okay, how new is he lying on sexual issues? ’”

"One of the long historical arcs here is to normalize the crime that was previously considered a crime."

U.S. voters not only do not pay attention to every detail, sexual allegations and obscene nature of cases may be the reason why they seem not interested.

In addition, there is a common point of view. Manhattan's trial is the weakest of the four criminal cases facing Trump.

The case is based on a account crime -Michael Cohen is a person who bought Daniels, but it is suspected of forging reimbursement documents and classified the accounts as legal expenses instead of sealing fees.

The basis for this case is that due to the attempt to impact the election, the behavior of minor crime is usually promoted to a more serious felony.

Regarding the case and the rate of winning the case, the legal circles are very different.

Given that the prosecutor Alvin Bragg, who mentioned this case, publicly stated that it would be difficult to get rid of the impression of political factors in court during the campaign.The election prosecutor system is always a risk factor.

Even the former Clinton White House insider Galston said that "you must be very slow" to deny the taste of the party's dispute.

Trump has been using this kind of concern, and he speaks on the steps of the court every day, claiming that he is the victim of the authoritarian persecution.Of course, this person tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 election and continued to lie that there were election fraud.

If there are any national moments of them, it may be just that people are gradually realizing that Trump's political momentum is unlikely to be curbed by the legal system.The New York sealing fee was the only of his four criminal cases that may be tried before the election on November 5.

The most serious cases of his serious allegations involving cases of riots in the US Congress and his retaining confidential documents on January 6 were all in the legal challenges proposed by his lawyers.

Instead of this case, the sex scandal is strong and built on complex legal arguments.Regardless of victory or failure, Trump will try to reverse it to itself, if you are not guilty to releaseIt will prove that the whole thing is a "persecution", and conviction will make him a martyr among supporters.

Although there are polls, some Trump supporters may hesitate to vote for criminals, but you have to doubt how to make his loyal supporters in the end.Essence

The verdict is approaching, and Trump held a rally in the Bronx area on Thursday. More than 80%of the residents in the district are black or Spanish.

The Branks district is one of the most preferred Democratic constituencies in the United States, but for the locals who wore "Make America Great Again again" to participate in the rally, they broke the candidatesThe conventional approach shows the same enthusiastic passion.

Rojah Watson, who is born in the Brenz District and the doorkeeper working in Manhattan, told reporters that Trump threatened to use his second term to let the US judicial department defend his will, sue BidenThe riots on January 6 were one of the reasons that attracted him.

He said: "I think this is to clean up the portal. Things should be like this."

When asked if he longed for a strong man leader, he replied, "Yes, definitely."

TK wearing a hat with the word "Trump" also agrees.She said: "The judicial system is over. I don't want him to be a dictator. But sometimes you must insist on your own claims."

Will criminal convictions make her think twice?She replied, "No. They have the allegations about Daniels he proposed, that is his private life. Don't interfere with his private life."

The biggest irony of this trial is that the sealing fee has been proven to be impressive, and the story of Daniels is written into the political and legal history.

Therefore, 12 jurors will soon be tried on the monotonous court in New York in New York's monotonous court, and their judgments -guilty, innocent or trial invalidation may occur -may produce incurrenceUnpredictable results.

But will the law yield to Trump?It seems unlikely.

For many of his supporters, the destructive danger brought by the US political system cannot be the allegations of their argument.This is part of attractiveness.