When China and the United States hold marine affairs consultations, the United States requires the United States not to intervene in maritime disputes between China and neighboring countries, and the United States has expressed concern about the military exercise held by mainland China in the Taiwan Strait.

According to the WeChat announcement of the "Border Sea", China and the United States were held in the second round of marine affairs in China and the United States on May 24th.Members and East Asia Bureau helped Qing Mo Ke to host the meeting.

The two sides agreed to maintain dialogue communication around the situation of the maritime situation and the exchanges related to maritime -related issues, avoid misunderstanding and misjudgments, and control the risk of maritime.China expresses solemn concerns about the US infringement and provocations in the surrounding waters of China, urging the United States to effectively respect the sovereignty and marine rights and interests of Chinese territory.Do not destroy regional peace and stability.

China emphasizes that a Chinese principle is the political basis of Sino -US relations and an important foundation for the two sides to dialogue in the sea."Taiwan independence" is the biggest threat to destroy the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.The United States should immediately stop supporting the "Taiwan independence" forces, and implement the commitment that does not support "Taiwan independence".

According to the press release of the US State Department, the United States expresses concern to China with danger and damage to stable actions, interfere with other countries to exercise the freedom of navigation freedom of the sea, and reiterate that the United States' commitment to allies on allies, and to maintain international maintenance, and maintain international maintenance internationallyThe firm support of marine law.

The United States has also reiterated the importance of maintaining peace and stability on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and has profound concern for the joint military exercises held by the People's Liberation Army of mainland China in the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan.

The U.S. State Department said that the conference was a follow -up meeting since the first round of marine affairs consultation in Beijing on November 3, last year, showing that the two parties are committed to maintaining smooth channels and responsible for responsibility, and responsible for responsibilityThe attitude handles US -China relations.

After the inauguration speech published by Lai Qingde, Taiwan, after the content of the inauguration of the inauguration in mainland China, it stirred up the strong rebound in mainland China. Mainland China announced that it will hold a large -scale encirclement military exercise around the Taiwan Strait from May 23.