Christopher Wray, director of the FBI, said that hackers associated with the Chinese government have sneaked into the key infrastructure of the United States and waited for "the appropriate time to give destroyer strikes."

According to Reuters, Christopher Lei said on Thursday (April 18) at a modern conflict and emerging threat summit hosted by the University of Vandeht University in the United States that a Volt Typhoon (Volt Typhoon ") Chinese hackers have successfully invaded many American companies in key areas such as telecommunications, energy, water, etc., of which 23 pipeline operators have become attack targets.

Christopher Lei said that China is strengthening the ability to cause actual damage to key infrastructure in the United States."China's plan is to make a low -altitude blow to civil infrastructure, trying to cause panic."

Christopher Lei also said that Chinese hackers have operated a series of zombie networks to cover their malicious network activities.U.S. private technology and network security companies have associated "Typhoon Volt" with China, including reports written by Microsoft and Google Security researchers.

Reuters earlier reported that Microsoft released a technical analysis report last May that the hacker organization named "Volt Typhoon" will target the infrastructure goals of the US telecommunications network, transportation hub, etc.Refers to "Typhoon Volt" supported by the Chinese government.

In February of this year, the China House of Representatives China Issues Special Committee held a hearing around the "Typhoon Volt".Subsequently, the "Five Eye Alliance" national intelligence agencies issued a joint statement saying that "Volt Typhoon" had been active for five years.

China National Computer Virus Treatment Center released the "Volt Typhoon" on April 15 -US intelligence agencies' conspiracy reports for the US Congress and taxpayers.The report states that the "Typhoon Typhoon" hacker organization has the "dark power" without national and regional ransom virus network criminal gangs, and pointed out that American intelligence agencies have used no factual basis for the so -called "Chinese cyber attack threat" to the bottom line without bottom line.Inssecting China in exchange for US government appropriations.

Lin Jian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the United States is the source of the biggest network attack and the biggest threat to the security of the network space.For some time, some people in the United States "shouted to catch thieves", regarded the traceability of cyber attacks as tools for China, politicized network security issues, and seriously infringed on the legitimate rights and interests of China.China urges the United States to immediately stop attacking China and stop signs of China.