On April 18, 2024 local time, New York, USA, the United Nations Security Council held a meeting, and the Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Fu Cong spoke.Visual China Map

On the afternoon of April 18th local time, in the early morning of Beijing time today (April 19), due to the rejection of the United Nations Security Council due to the permanent member of the United States, the United Nations Security Council failed to pass the resolution that the UN Security Council could not pass the "Proposal UN General Assembly Palestine as a formal member of the United Nations".draft.

Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations, Fu Cong, spoke in an explanatory speech after the voting, said that today is a sad day. Due to the veto of the United States, Palestine's application has been rejected by the application of the official state of the United Nations.The dream of the year was crushed ruthlessly, and the Chinese side was very disappointed with the United States' decision.

Fu Cong pointed out that independent founding is the wish of several generations of the Palestinian people, and formal joining the United Nations is a key step in this historical process.As early as 2011, Palestine filed an application. Due to the opposition from individual countries, the Angel Council's actions at that time were put on hold.13 years have been long enough, but the relevant countries are still complaining that time is not enough and should not rush to act.This statement is dishonest.Compared with any time in the past, Palestine has become more urgent to become a formal member of the United Nations.

Fu Cong said that the country does not support Palestine as a formal member of the United Nations, claiming that the reason is that the Palestinian country does not have the ability to govern the country, and we cannot agree with this.In the past 13 years, the situation in Palestine has undergone many changes. The most fundamental of which is the settlement of the settlement of the west bank of the Jordan River. Palestine's living space as the country has been constantly squeezed, and the foundation of the "two countries" has been constantly eroded.Regarding the country's blindness, adopting an attitude of acquiescence or even indulgence, now in turn questioned that Palestine does not have the ability to govern, which is completely confusing the logic of robbers.

What is even more unacceptable is that the country also questioned whether Palestine complies with the qualifications of member states stipulated in the United Nations Charter, implying whether Palestine is "hobby of peace" or a question.Such allegations are too much. For the Palestinian people who have been occupied, it is a great insult to sprinkle salt on the wound.If Palestine does not support Palestine as a formal member of the United Nations out of politics, you may wish to say generously without having to make excuses for secondary damage to the Palestinian people.

Fu Cong emphasized that the independent founding of the country is an irreplaceable national right of the Palestinian people, and cannot be suspected and cannot be traded.Relevant countries have the premise that Pakistani negotiations are directly negotiated, claiming that Palestine's joining the United Nations can only be the result of negotiations. This is the upside -down at the end.In the case of Israel's increasingly clear rejection of the "two countries", the United Nations accepted Palestine to become a formal member country, which can allow Palestine to enjoy an equal position with Israel and will help to create conditions for restoration of Palestine's negotiations.All countries that sincerely support the "two countries" should not oppose Palestine's official joining the United Nations.

The historical wheels are rolling forward, and the trend of the times cannot resist.We believe that one day the Palestinian State will enjoy the same rights as all other member states in the United Nations. Palestine and Israel can live in peace and peace as two countries. The people and the people of Israel live a peaceful and happy life.For the early day, China will continue to make unremitting efforts to play a constructive role.