Editor every time: Du Yu

According to CCTV News on April 19, according to the Iranian Fars News Agency reported on April 19th local time, local news said that The Karjalistan area in Iran, IranExplosion.

According to the Iranian Fars News Agency, I heard explosion sounds near the Esfaham Airport and Shekari Air Force Base .

According to CCTV News, the Israeli Jerusalem Post and Palestine's Holy City News April 19th, local time. On the same day, Iraqi Baghdad and Babylon, Syrian, Syrian, and IranfaThe explosion was heard in the early morning of the same day.

Picture source: CCTV News (unrelated in graphic)

The US Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reported on the 18th local time that a US official confirmed to the US Broadcasting Corporation news that Israeli missiles hit a place in Iran. The official could not confirm whether the location of Syria and Iraq was also attacked.

According to Lebanon media reports, it is reported that Iranian air defense forces intercept about 5 target explosions over Iseham over Issfaham, and there is no explosion on the ground.According to US media reports, Israeli launched military strikes on 7 goals in Iran .

According to the latest news of the Iranian official news agency, Iran's air defense system has been launched over many provinces .

A large number of fighter planes appeared over the province of Moser and Albel in Iraqi

According to the CCTV International Shi News, according to the Iranian Fars News Agency, the sound of explosion in the early morning of the Karjalisan region in Iran in the Karjavaristan area in central Iran.It is reported that the cause of the explosion is unclear.According to Arabia TV and its subordinate media today, Iran's Iranian Province, Iraqi Baghdad, Babylon, and Syria Suvida made an explosion in the early morning of this morning.Iranian Esfaham province has air defense missile launch. A large number of fighters appeared over the province of Moser and Albel.

Multiple flights to lead the way in Iran

According to CCTV News, the Associated Press reported that around 4.30 am local time, the UAE -headed Emirates and Dubai Airlines headquartered in Dubai began to change the channel over the western Iran.It is reported that they did not provide any explanations, but the local warnings issued to the pilot showed that the airspace might have been closed.

The United States Cable Television News Network reported that according to the information displayed by the flight tracking website, multiple flights were diverted in Iran.According to statistics from the United States Cable Television News Network, at least 8 flights are diversified.

According to the official Weibo of CCTV International Shimbun, Iranian media reports, after the explosion sounds came out near Isfahan Airport, Iran temporarily ceased flights in many cities, including Isahahan, Trako, andCapital Tehran.

Picture Source: CCTV International Shi News Official Weibo

Iranian Foreign Minister warns that Israel will not take any action against Iran

On April 18, local time, according to the US CNN (CNN), Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyang said in an interview that if Israel takes adventure again and harms Iran's interests, Iran will do it immediatelyThe greatest response.

Abdullahiyan said that Iran sincerely hopes that Israel will not repeat the "serious mistakes before."Abdullahiyan said that the missiles and drones launched on Israel on April 13 were to respond to the attack on Israel's hostel on the Iranian Embassy in Syrian Embassy, ​​and "remained within the minimum framework."It is to take "equal action" and let people know that Iran does have a way to respond.He warned that If Israel chose to retaliate, Iran's response would be "immediately and the greatest."

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