Illustration/Elizabeth Francez

U.S. President Bynden called for imported tariffs on Chinese metal products on Wednesday. This is part of a package of policies aimed at pleasing to the state of Pennsylvania, which is aimed at shaking the state of Pennsylvania.

His assistant said that during the "Steel City" Pittsburgh, Biden proposed to increase the tariffs on some Chinese steel and aluminum products to 25%of some Chinese steel and aluminum products.At present, the average tariffs on some steel and aluminum products in China are 7.5%.

The Bayeng government also put pressure on neighboring Mexico to prohibit China from indirectly sell metal products to the United States through Mexico.

At the same time, the Biden government is investigating China's trade behavior in shipbuilding, maritime and logistics, which may lead to more tariffs.

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States, said that these tariffs were "the embodiment of unilateralism and protectionism", and added that the US government "repeatedly committed the same mistakes."

In response to the US investigation of maritime, logistics and shipbuilding in China, the Ministry of Commerce of China said on Wednesday evening that China has strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition;Based on a multilateral trading system.

Trump levied tariffs extensively during his presidential term from 2017 to 2021, which caused China to take tariff measures to retaliate.

** Important ticket warehouse **

Biden and Trump will show off again in the November presidential election. Pennsylvania is one of the six swing states that may determine who can enter the White House.Economic issues are the most concerned about voters.

Benndon and Trump are both the leaders and blue -collar workers in the industrial center that are declining. In Pennsylvania and another Swing State Michigan, blue -collar workers are a large ticket warehouse.

Bynden's proposal to acquire US Iron and Steel Corporation, which was opposed to Japanese iron -making last month, brought a victory to the trade union.

According to the data of the American Steel Association in the industry, China is the seventh largest importer of steel in the United States in 2023. The number is 598,000 tons, a decrease of 8.2%from 2022.

Canada is the largest importer of steel in the United States with a number of 6.9 million tons, followed by 4.2 million tons of Mexico.