Microsoft said on Tuesday that it will invest in the Arab Emirates artificial intelligence giant G42 to invest $ 1.5 billion. This transaction is mainly carefully planned by the Biden government.The transaction aims to exclude China.

According to the cooperation agreement, Microsoft will allow G42 to sell Microsoft services with powerful artificial intelligence chips. These chips are used to train and fine -tune artificial intelligence generation models.In return, G42, which is reviewed by Washington for the relationship with China, will use Microsoft's cloud services and comply with the security agreement reached in detail with the US government.The agreement has set up a series of protection measures for artificial intelligence products shared with G42, which also includes agreed to strip Chinese equipment from the operation of G42.

U.S. Minister of Commerce Gina Raymond said: "In terms of emerging technologies, you cannot stand in the Chinese camp and stand in our camp." She went to the UAE twice to discuss this partnershipSafety arrangements with other partnerships.

Microsoft President Brad Smith said in an interview that the agreement is extremely unusual, reflecting the special attention of the US government's intellectual property rights behind the protection of artificial intelligence procedures.

Smith said: "The United States naturally hopes to protect the most important technology from a trusted American company." He will enter the G42 board of directors.

This investment helps the United States to fight back on China's continuous rise in the Gulf region.If this step is successful, the G42 will be included in the US camp and reduce the connection with China.This transaction may also become a model of how American companies use their technological leadership in the field of artificial intelligence to attract other countries to abandon Chinese technology and gain a model of huge economic returns.

But this matter is very sensitive, because American officials have questioned G42.This year, a committee of the US Congress wrote to urge the Ministry of Commerce to investigate whether it should implement trade restrictions on G42, because it is linked to China, including cooperation with Chinese companies, and companies from the government from the government.

Raymond Duo has been trying to prevent China from obtaining the most advanced semiconductor and its manufacturing equipment. In an interview, she said that the agreement "has no authorization to transfer artificial intelligence or AI models or GPUs" -The development of AI applications requiredProcessor -and "ensure that these technologies can develop, protect and deploy safely."

Although the UAE and the United States have not signed a separate agreement, Raymond Duo said: "We have heard a wide range of introduction, we are convinced that this agreement meets our values."

G42 Group CEO Xiao Peng (Yin) said in a statement: "Through Microsoft's strategic investment, we are promoting the mission of large -scale delivery of cutting -edge artificial intelligence technology."

The United States and China have been competing for technological influence in the Persian Gulf, where hundreds of billions of dollars have been available for competition, and large investors, including Saudi Arabia, are expected to invest billions of dollars in this technology.In the process of turning from oil resources to diversification, many leaders in the region set their sights on artificial intelligence and were willing to let the United States and China play each other.

Although the UAE is an important diplomatic and intelligence partner in the United States and one of the largest buyers of American weapons, it has become increasingly longer with China's military and economic connections.Its domestic monitoring system uses Chinese technology, and the hardware used by telecommunications business comes from Chinese supplier Huawei.This has aroused concerns from US officials, and they often visit the Persian Gulf countries to discuss security issues.

But American officials are also worried that if there are not sufficient prevention measures, the spread of powerful artificial intelligence technology, which is crucial to national security, may eventually be used by engineers in China or engineers in contact with the Chinese government.Last month, a network security review committee in the United States proposed sharp criticism of Microsoft, because hackers from China received data from senior officials in a attack.Any major leakage, such as the Sale of Microsoft's artificial intelligence solutions established in the region in the region, will violate the policy of the Biden government attempting to limit China to gaining cutting -edge technologies.

"This is one of the most advanced technologies owned by the United States," said Gregari Allen, a researcher at the Strategic and International Research Center and former US Department of Defense officials, "To transfer it anywhere overseas, you shouldThere is a very strategic reason. "

For Microsoft, transactions with G42 provide potential ways to contact the huge wealth of the UAE.The company's chairman is the UAE's national security adviser and the younger brother of the UAE's rulers Shechton Ben Zayd. It is the core figure of the UAE's efforts to become an important artificial intelligence participant.

The company's name dictionary is a roaming guide for the Milky Way -The answer to the "Ultimate Question of Life" in the book is 42. Despite such a funny name, G42 is a company deeply embedded in the UAE national security system.It focuses on the field of artificial intelligence and is recently committed to developing an Arabic chat robot called JAIS.

G42 also focuses on the field of biotechnology and surveillance.Several executives of the company, including Xiao Peng, have cooperated with the "dark matter". This is an UAE's online intelligence and hacker company hired a pre -spy company.

The Strategic Competition Commission of the United States and China, which is composed of the two parties, said in this year's letter that Xiao Peng has a contact with a huge corporate network, which provides "substantial support" for the technological progress of the Chinese army.

The agreement on Tuesday originated in a series of meetings held in the White House last year. At that time, senior national security assistants raised such a question to the executives of the technology industry.Those companies that are also interested in China.

According to the agreement, G42 will be discontinued by Huawei's telecommunications equipment, and the United States is worried that these devices may provide back doors for Chinese intelligence agencies.The agreement further promised that G42 will seek permission before sharing its technology with other governments or troops and prohibit the use of the technology for surveillance.Microsoft will also have the right to audit the use of G42 for its technology.

G42 will obtain artificial intelligence computing power of Microsoft in the UAE data center. This is a sensitive technology. Without export permits, it cannot be sold in the UAE.The second stage of the transaction may be more controversial. It has not yet been negotiated. It may transfer some artificial intelligence technology of Microsoft to G42.

? According to the New York Times, American intelligence officials have worked with the relationship between G42 and China in a series of confidential assessments.Biden government officials also urged officials in the UAE to cut off the company's connection with China.Some officials believe that the pressure on the United States has achieved some results, but they are still worried about the less disclosure between G42 and China.

A executive of

G42 has worked at China Artificial Intelligence Monitoring Company Yitu Technology. The company has a wide range of connections with China's security department and runs a facial recognition monitoring system nationwide.The company also connected with Chinese gene giants Huada Gene. The Bayeng government included the latter's subsidiary in a blacklist last year.Xiao Peng is also the person in charge of another company. In 2019, the company participated in the launch and operation of TOTOK applications on social media applications. The American intelligence agency said that the application was a spy tool for collecting user data for UAE.

According to US officials, in recent months, G42 has agreed to give up part of the contact with China, including peeling its shares that beating in Tiktok owners and removing Huawei technology in its business.