The State Department of the United States said on Monday (April 15) that the State Council and Pacific Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Kangda, which was visiting Beijing, discussed the development of the Middle East and the South China Sea and the Straits of the Straits of the South China Sea.

This is the latest effort made by China and the United States for the stable relationship.Kangda visited China from April 14th to 16th, in order to maintain the open communication channels and manage competition responsible for both parties.

Daniel Kritenbrink's team members include the White House National Security Council, Sarah Bran, senior director of mainland China and Taiwan affairs, and Burns in China.The two sides discussed bilateral, regional and global issues, including the support of the Middle East and China to the Russian defense industrial base, the two sides of the Strait, the South China Sea and North Korea.

The State Council said: "This visit is based on the recent foreign diplomacy of the United States and China, with the areas of management differences and cooperation and reducing the risk of misjudgment."

The State Council stated that the details of the negotiations between the two parties did not disclose.