Not long after the high -profile US -Japan -Philippine three -sided summit was over, the United States Pacific Army Command announced on Monday (April 15th) local time (April 15) that the U.S. Army's first multi -domain special team (1st MDTF) has alreadyThe new land -based medium -range missile launch system "Typhon" is deployed in the northern part of Luzon Island, Philippines, as part of the United States and Philippine joint military exercise "Shield 24".

The US military statement describes this deployment as a "historic first", which improves the coordinated ability of the US and the Philippine Army, the level of preparation for war, and defense energy.For China, it is tantamount to putting threat weapons directly to the doorstep.

Shortly after the U.S. military announced the above announcement, China and the United States Defense Dong Jun and Austin made substantial calls for nearly 17 months on Tuesday evening, representing the comprehensive recovery of communication between the Sino -US military.The press release issued by the two parties did not mention the word "Di Feng", but each other reiterated the position of the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait.The topic, and the possibility of linkage is revealed.

The Pacific Army Command described the deployment of "Difeng" as "historic first" on the deployment of Luzon Island, Philippines.The island chain appears.

Since the US President Reagan and the General Secretary of the CPSU Gorbachev have signed the China Guide Treaty in 1987, the United States and the Soviet Union have destroyed more than 2,600 deployed and unpaid medium -range missiles based on the treaty, and have been stipulatedLimitation must not be produced, developed and deployed.However, in 2019, the then US President Trump officially withdrew the Treaty of the Central Guide on the grounds that Russia's long -term defaults and China was not a contractor.At that time, all parties foresee that the United States will let go of the United States to deal with China.

"Difeng" is the direct product of the United States withdrawn from the Treaty of China. It officially formed a combat effectiveness last year. The design is mainly used to launch a "Tomahawk" cruise missile or the "standard-6" missile attack on the ground target.The "tactical Tomahawk" range can reach 1800 kilometers.This time, the U.S. military deployed "Difeng" in Luzon Island through joint military exercises, which means that the entire South China Sea, Taiwan Strait, and important cities in eastern China are within the scope of strike.The Tomahawk cruise missile can also carry a nuclear warhead, so it is more deterrent.

In fact, the United States Pacific Army Commander Flynn visited Japan earlier this month that the United States will deploy a mid -to -mid -area guidance system in the Indo -Pacific region to strengthen the deterrent of China.The outside world is guess where the United States can deploy?Is there any country willing to risk the risk of China directly?South Korea deployed the Sade anti -missile system in the past few years, and was severely retaliated by China. Who will accept "Difeng" this time?Most comments are guessed that Guam is at most, and it is mostly Japan. I did not expect that the answer turned out to be the Philippines.

Among the ten countries in the Asianianan, the Philippines is the most beautiful member of the Philippines.Not long ago, the Southeast Asian situation report issued by the Southern Southern Asian Research Center of the Singapore think tank in Singapore's think tank: 2024, it shows that if it is forced to choose between China and the United States, choose the Chinese country in China to surpass the country in the United States for the first time this year, the Philippines, the PhilippinesThe choice shows the opposite trend. The ratio of the Philippine interviewees in the United States was as high as 78%in 2023, and this year rose to 83%.It must be pointed out that this report is not a strict public opinion survey, but because it conducts each year, it reflects the trend of the elite of the Ayanan Nations on geopolitical views.

The Philippine's pro -beauty position may be because the Philippines is more influenced by the West, and it is also related to the increasing performance of China -Philippines in the South China Hairen Love Reef (Ayunjin Reef).Furthermore, compared to the large AS -dimensional country Indonesia, as well as Malaysia, there is a huge Muslim group. Muslims only accounted for about 5%of the Philippines. The international image landslide caused by Harbin conflict has little impact on the Philippines.

On the other hand, when the United States and the Philippines strengthen military and economic cooperation, China warmly welcomes Indonesian President Plabovo to visit China.The hotline of the Vietnamese Ministry of Defense and the theater of the southern China; the member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the foreign minister Wang Yi visited Indonesia. From the internal force of the Asianianan, the influence of the Vietnamese and the closer of the Philippines was offset.For Asia's peace, this will inevitably put pressure on the unity of the ten kingdoms.

It is a little relieved that China has made a substantial call for nearly 18 months on the evening of the 16th after the above announcement of the U.S. military.The communication is fully recovered.The most sensitive topic of the U.S. military revealed the possibility of linkage.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed "strict concern", while the Chinese Ministry of National Defense accused this of "dangerous movements", "will seriously threaten regional national security and severely damage regional peace and stability."Farewell.The reason is that the threat of the Luji Tomahawk's cruise missile is not as good as the "Tomahawk" launched by the US Navy or Air Force.In July last year, Chinese military experts questioned that the US Army's development of "di Feng" may be a guise against China and competing with other US military.

But in any case, the diplomatic warfare and mutual military deterrence of the great powers in the region, including the "small and multilateral" military cooperation promoted by the United States, will exacerbate regional tension.The "side -by -side" military exercise of the US -Philippines, which mobilizes nearly 17,000 soldiers, will be held next week. For the first time, it is carried out overseas in the Philippines and involved in the existence of sovereign disputes in China and the Philippines.

At the same time, U.S. Secretary of State Blins will set off for four days on April 23, and repeat the United States again to "talk while talking", and communicate with the trend that exacerbates targeting.The United States and China have been repeating this dangerous balance game in the near future. I hope that both parties can always maintain calmness and control the situation, so as not to let any situation of guns from getting angry to destroy stability.