The Sino -US consular department holds counterpart talks, and China urges the United States to stop the non -endless investigation and repatriation of Chinese personnel to the United States.

According to the official WeChat public account of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the "Consular Consulate Direct Train" news, Wu Demin, deputy director of the Consular Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Consular Bureau of the US State Council to help Qing to help Calwin. Tuesday (April 16On the day), a China -US Consul General's counterpart is held in Beijing.

The two sides exchanged in -depth exchanges on promoting humanistic exchanges between China and the United States, maintaining the safety and legitimate rights and interests of overseas citizens.China has urged the United States to adjust the level of travel to China as soon as possible to go to China to remind China and stop the repatriation of Chinese people to the United States for no reason.

According to the Chinese official media ring Times, many Chinese students have been checked for a long time when they recently entered the United States, and they were checked by mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment.And not entering the United States within five years, but not told the reason for cancellation.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin at the regular press conference this year, criticizing the United States at a regular press conference is "typical selectivity, discrimination, and political law enforcement", and expressed strong dissatisfaction on this.

The Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng also criticized the United States for frequent inspections and forced repatriation of Chinese students, and proposed a serious negotiation.

.The US State Department said that due to the risk of improper detention, it listed mainland China as the "third -level" travel destination, and it was suggested that US citizens re -considered travel to mainland China.