Taiwan Tourism Director Zhou Yonghui admits that if tourists in mainland China have been unable to go to Taiwan, the target of the number of tourists visiting Taiwan this year will be repaired from 12 million to 10 million.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times reported that Taiwan officials set the number of tourists to Taiwan this year at 12 million. According to the latest statistics, as of March 15th, there were nearly 1.9 million passengers who went to Taiwan this year, compared to comparedCompared with the same period before the epidemic in 2019, it returned to 85 %.

Zhou Yonghui said that the top three sources of the current travelers in Taiwan are Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong and Macao. This year, Taiwan is also very optimistic about the number of passengers in New South to Taiwan.

However, because the mainland China has not opened the mainland people to Taiwan, Zhou Yonghui admits that the goal of 12 million people this year is to include 2 million people in mainland tourists.The goal of 12 million people may be difficult to meet the standards, and it is necessary to build up to about 10 million.

He emphasized that "10 million people must meet the standards, and the ideal state hopes to have 12 million people", and it is conservatively estimated that the number of tourists in Taiwan in 2025 can return to the level before the epidemic.

Zhou Yonghui revealed that this will launch a new tourism brand this this year. It is expected that the relevant content will not be announced in early May. However, it will focus on smiling southern Taiwan and attract passengers to Taiwan.

He said that the number of travelers who went to Taiwan in the first quarter of this year still recovered the most with Southeast Asian travelers, but there was insufficient limited airline flights and still had a lot of room for improvement.In addition to the dual -Indian (India, Indonesia) market this year, the Department will also work towards Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and the Philippines.

In addition, there are about 5 million transfer passengers in Taiwan each year., 48 or 72 hours to stimulate sightseeing consumption.