Reuters on Friday (March 29) quoted six sources that the Taiwan Navy Commander Tang Hua will visit the United States next week to attend a military ceremony and discuss how to promote Taiwan and the United States when the cross -strait situation is tight.Navy cooperation.

Six security sources revealed that Tang Hua will visit Hawaii, where the Indo -Pacific Command is located in the United States and attended the handling ceremony of the Pacific Fleet Commander.Three of the sources said that Tang Hua would subsequently participate in the sea, air and space seminars held from April 8th to 10th from April 8th to 10th, and meeting with US Navy Commander Francatotti was also negotiating arrangements.

Two sources said that Tang Hua's visit to the United States is part of the American United Island Defence Concept.Mainland China Army.

A U.S. official revealed that Taiwan and the United States intended to arrange Tang Hua to meet with Frankieti, but this meeting has not yet been determined.

Both the Taiwan Navy and the Pentagon of the United States do not comment on this.

Reuters said that unlike senior officials in Japan and the United Kingdom, Taiwanese officials, especially military officials, visited the United States in a low -key visit, and the accessing itinerary usually did not be officially confirmed.

Lin Jian, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China, responded at a regular press conference on Friday that China resolutely opposed the US -Taiwan military linked."There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. A Chinese principle is the political basis of Sino -US relations."

Lin Jian said that China urges the United States to fully recognize the high sensitivity of Taiwan issues.The serious harmfulness of sex and related issues will be implemented to the commitment.Error signal.