Taiwan media reports that the United States Association in Taiwan (AIT) will usher in the new director.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and the Central News Agency reported that the term of the current director of AIT Sandra Oudkirk will expire in the middle of this year.Raymond Greene.

Gu Liyan served as Deputy Director of AIT from 2018 to 2021. When he left office, he said that this does not mean that he is connected to the end of the relationship with the United States and Taiwan.It is understood that the United States has already internal Dingguyan to pick up Sun Xiaoya. This will be the third time the Taiwanese son -in -law sent Taiwan to Taiwan.

According to AIT data, Gu Liyan is proficient in Chinese and Japanese. The experience includes the former Consul of the United States and the Consul General in Okinawa, as well as the military and political affairs team leader, the embassy in Japan and the Philippines in the US embassy in Japan.Political officer of the embassy.He has also served as the director of Japan and East Asia Economic Affairs Office of the White House National Security Council, and director of the Economic Policy Office of the East Asia Pacific Affairs Bureau of the United States.

The current director of AIT Sun Xiaoya was the Deputy Secretary of State of the State Department of the United States. In July 2021, he arrived in Taiwan and replaced Brent Christensen as the new director of the Taipei office.Sun Xiaoya is the director of the 15th AIT Taipei Office and the first female director.

Sun Xiaoya graduated from the School of Foreign Affairs of Georgetown University and is proficient in Chinese and Turkish. In 1991, he entered the U.S. State Department of Services. The first time that he was stationed in the AIT Taipei office for the first time, he also served as the Economic Counselor of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.Essence