The latest polls of the Taiwan media show that the Minister of Economy Wang Meihua is the most dissatisfied head of the Taiwanese people, followed by Tang Feng, the Minister of Development, and Chen Yaoxiang, chairman of the Communications Commission.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Zhongshi News Network reported on Friday (March 29) that this poll published by the Meilimao Electronics News showed that Wang Meihua's dissatisfaction was 38.5%, Tang Feng 36.9 36.9%, Chen Yaoxiang 30.7%.

This poll has also investigated the dissatisfaction of the people's dissatisfaction in various governances in the eight years of governing Cai Yingwen and the Democratic Progressive Party.EssenceThe second place is to combat fraud to protect the property of the people, and 54.5%are dissatisfied.The third place is to improve the gap between the rich and the poor, with 49.3%dissatisfaction.

The Meilimao Electronics News entrusted a market research company to perform electrical visits for this poll, and the investigation target was 20 years old.

Wu Zijia, chairman of the Meilimao Electronics News, on Thursday (28th) at the critical moment of politics programs, referring to Wang Meihua and Tang Feng delaying Taiwan for eight years, and believed that the DPP's green power policy failed.

Before that, the portion was revealed to go overseas to investigate frequently and spend high disputes.

A man fired three shots with the office building of the Digital Development Department on Thursday. Fortunately, no one was casualties.The man claimed that he was dissatisfied with government governance.