Radio Asia, which was funded by the U.S. government, announced that after the legislation of Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, the operation of the agency will be affected and decided to close the office in Hong Kong from now.

The Chinese Press release released on the official website on Friday (March 29) on Friday (March 29), the official implementation of Article 23So officially closed the office in Hong Kong.

Bay Fang, the Director of Liberty Asia, said in a statement that the agency will no longer hire full -time employees in Hong Kong, but retains the official media registration in Hong Kong.

She said: "We recognize the frontline status of Radio Free Asia, because it is one of the last batch of independent news agencies that reports incidents in Hong Kong in Cantonese and Mandarin.For Hong Kong and mainland audiences that have not been reviewed, our programs and content will continue without any interference.Local staff will be transferred to the United States, Taiwan and other places.

The press release also mentioned that Deng Bingqiang, the director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, accused Radio Asia in February this year that Radio Asia is a "foreign forces" and misleading Hong Kong citizens.

According to the report another report, a spokesman for the Hong Kong Government responded to this that he did not comment on the operation of individual institutions, but strongly opposed and condemned all the awareness of all the facts that did not meet the facts and responded to the maintenance of the national security regulations (hereinafter referred to as the National Security Regulations).And discredited speech.

A spokesman said that when the Hong Kong government formulated the national security regulations, it referred to the legislative experience of other countries. If the reporter worked in Hong Kong alone, it would not be in other countries. It is a serious prejudice.

The spokesman reiterated that the National Security Regulations only target those who endanger Guoan in order to protect the lives and freedom of the people of Hong Kong.break the law.

Public information shows that Radio Free Asia was established in 1996. It is a private non -profit news agency funded by the US International Media Department. The Hong Kong -made media media has described Radio Free Asia as an American agent.

Hong Kong media previously reported that Radio Free Asia will withdraw from Hong Kong at the end of this month.