Wang Yiwei/Wen Ma Ying -jeou is going to visit the mainland again.

On March 25, Ma Ying -jeou's team announced that Ma Ying -jeou will lead Taiwanese youth to find and communicate with the roots and exchanges in Guangdong, Shaanxi, Beijing and other places from April 1st to 11th to participate in the "Jiachen (2024) Qingming Gong Xuanyuan Huangdi Ceremony"And other activities and visit.

From March 27 to April 7 last year, Ma Ying -jeou landed for the first time, first went to Hunan to worship ancestors, and then led Taiwanese youth to visit Nanjing, Wuhan, Changsha, Chongqing, Shanghai and other places.

Two times to the mainland are chosen in the Qingming season.Such arrangements are deep.

In the island, for Ma Ying -jeou's second landing, the response of the two major camps of the blue and green camps is clear and the meaning is complicated.

The mainstream attitude of Blue Camp is to see it and highly look forward to it.

The Chinese Times of the Blue Camp Media published an editorial entitled "Ma Ying -jeou logged in again, showing the mainstream public opinion of peace", and believed that "the Taiwan Strait soldiers are in danger, and Ma Ying -jeou's two -time landing journey to peace is more significant."

The editorial states that Xu Ma Ying -jeou's political wisdom, believes that on the one hand, he expresses the emotional and historical connection of "we are all Chinese" and "both sides of the strait" to the mainland, and on the other hand, it expresses the stand on both sides of the strait to seek common differences in the same difference."Persuasion from the mainland to face the" difference "of Taiwan, thereby creating a political tacit understanding of the same depository and living peaceful coexistence.This is not only the height and wisdom of Ma Ying -jeou, but also the "1992 Consensus" on both sides of the strait. On the basis of this, the key to the 8 -year -old bureau of peaceful development is the DPP.The reason for pushing the risk of war is.

Lai Shizhen, a Kuomintang "legislator", said that Cai Yingwen has been frozen three feet since the stage since he came to power. The world predicts that Taiwan is a area where war is likely to occur in the future.Ma Ying -jeou once again visited the mainland. Such a benign interaction, although he could not immediately see the effect of spring flowers, and could not reverse the hostility of the ruling party for the mainland, at least melting ice and reducing the open atmosphere of cross -strait swords.Such communication and interaction are worthy of affirmation and promise.

In contrast to the attitude of the Blue Camp, the Taiwan Green Camp is not only certain and expected, but also has a lot of sour words, and even gives Ma Ying -jeou "the lower set".

This "set" is to encourage Ma Ying -jeou to spread the "Taiwan independence" proposition on the mainland.

Chen Jianren, the head of the administrative department of Taiwan, said that if there is a chance, hoping that Ma Ying -jeou can publicly advocate that Taiwan is an independent country with sovereignty and defending freedom and democracy.

In this regard, Xiao Xucen, the executive chief of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, refuted.Xiao Xucen said that Chen Jianren's remarks were "Taiwan independence" claims and violated the "Constitution of the Republic of China".Taiwan is not a country, it is part of China (the Republic of China ").

Xiao Xucen said that Taiwan is not a country, it is equivalent to poking the "Taiwan independence" pulmonary tube, which has caused the green camp to scream.

In fact, exploring in the deepening is that the response to Ma Ying -jeou's two -time login, the response of the two major camps of blue and green means much more complicated.

Inside the Blue Camp, Ma Ying -jeou landed for the first time, and he made his best. Other politicians in the blue camp were inevitable "eating" and even feeling lonely.This time, if Ma Ying -jeou achieved greater results, other politicians in the Blue Camp would probably be mixed in their hearts.In addition, Xia Liyan, vice chairman of the Kuomintang, frequently visited the mainland and arranged related matters. On the one hand, he would help Ma Ying -jeou, and on the other hand, he also had observation, influence, and even controlling Ma Ying -jeou.If there is intention behind the United States, it is even more complicated.

As for the Green Camp, the previous article encouraged Ma Ying -jeou to spread the "Taiwan independence" remarks on the mainland, but it was a superficial article.How much is Ma Ying -jeou's role in the mainland and how much it can play in cross -strait relations is what they are more interested in.For example: If the mainland takes non -peaceful means to implement unity in the future, can Ma Ying -jeou play a buffer role; for example, the mainland has announced several batch of stubborn "Taiwan independence" lists.How to punish these "Taiwan independence" elements on the list, whether there is a corresponding way to deal with, whether Ma Ying -jeou can play a role in it, and so on.

Last year, Ma Ying -jeou landed. After the news was announced, the green camp called scolding.This time Ma Ying -jeou announced the news of landing again, and the hustle and bustle from the green camp was obviously less.