Taiwan media reported that one of the two Kinmen fishermen rescued by the Chinese Maritime Police this week, one of the fishermen without soldiers will return to Taiwan on Friday (March 22) in the afternoon.

Zhongshi News Network quoted sources that the fisherman of the Wu surname will return to Taiwan in the afternoon.

Another fisherman named Hu is suspected of being sensitive to soldiers. It is reported that it has been upgraded to the Taiwan Affairs Office of Fujian Province for treatment.

The Kuomintang legislator Chen Yuzhen said that he thanked Lu Fang for his proper treatment of the two fishermen. One of the folk people would return to Taiwan first, and hoped that Lu Fang could treat the other soldiers with the surname of Hu.Fisherman.If necessary, I hope to go to Lu to see Hu Nan's condition.

The two fishermen drove the power floating glute (Potter) on the 17th and lost my contact with the sea. They were found by the mainland maritime police on the 18th.