The Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the draft legislative draft on Tuesday (March 19) through the Basic Law. The draft will come into effect on Saturday (23).The Taiwan Committee of Taiwan issued a document calling on the Hong Kong Government to protect human rights and freedom, and also reminded people of Taiwan to pay attention to the risk of going to Hong Kong.

The Taiwan MAC on Thursday (21st) on the official website on the official website to formulate and implement the "Maintaining National Security Regulations" on the official website.The definition of the national security crimes is generally general, to be confused, and blame, etc., and has expressed doubts.

The MAC stated that in the past few years, mainland China ’s management and control of Hong Kong’ s depth of Hong Kong and the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong ’s free human rights have been constantly restricted, and the international community has not been happy.

The MAC pointed out that the economic and trade and personnel between Taiwan and Hong Kong are frequent. Taking last year as an example, there were more than 780,000 passengers going to Hong Kong in Hong Kong throughout the year, and 1.1 million Hong Kong people went to Taiwan.According to the statistics of the Hong Kong Government, there were 364 Taiwan companies in Hong Kong last year.

The MAC calls on the Hong Kong Government to focus on ensuring freedom and human rights, and ensure that a normal and friendly environment that makes people feel safe, travel, and communicates.

In response to the personal safety risks that may cause related regulations such as Hong Kong's "Maintenance of National Security" and the Hong Kong National Security Law, in addition to the Law of the MAC will continue to observe the law enforcement situation of the National Security Regulations of Hong Kong, and to respond carefully to maintain Taiwan's overall overall TaiwanInterests and people's security will also continue to expose relevant case information on the official website, and remind people of Taiwan to pay attention through multiple pipelines. At the same time, people should be cautious before they go to Hong Kong.