Taiwan Finance Minister Zhuang Cuiyun said in the Legislative Yuan on Wednesday (March 20) that once Taiwan fought, tax increases would be considered a project.This statement was interpreted as the Ministry of Finance to raise military expenses and discussed the taxation tax, but the Ministry of Finance later denied it.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, the Kuomintang legislator Lai Shizheng asked Zhuang Cuiyun on Wednesday at the Legislative Yuan's Finance Committee that the central bank, the HKMA, and the Ministry of Finance had worked in financial soldiers.Zhuang Cuiyun answered that it would be considered a project, because it was necessary to raise funds for combat and emphasized that collecting money from the public must go through legislative procedures.

This information is interpreted by some media as "the Ministry of Military and Tuition Financial Research on the Tax Tax", or "the Treasury Secretary said that the cross -strait war considers the war taxation tax".

However, the Taiwan Ministry of Finance emphasized on the official website on Thursday (21st): "At this stage, there are no reports that the tuition of military expenses is called, and the issue of war tax (fee) is discussed."

The Ministry of Finance also said that the relevant ministry will regularly hold meetings every year to make various mobilization preparation plans and participate in the verification of the Ministry of Defense's training.,in case for need.

A spokesman for the Taiwan Executive Yuan Lin Zilun said at a press conference on Thursday: "It is not the fact that it is not the fact that the Ministry of Finance of the Finance of the Military and Military Targery is levied the war taxation."