Mainland China criticized the U.S. Indo -Pacific Command Akuino's remarks in Taiwan that the Asia -Pacific region is a highland for peaceful development, not a geographical arena.

According to Bloomberg, the U.S. Indo -Pacific Command Commander and General of the Navy General Aquilino on Wednesday (March 20) said at a hearing at the US House of Representatives that China is not seeing it since World War IIThe scale creates its conventional and nuclear war, and various signs show that mainland China will be prepared to attack Taiwan by 2027.

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lin Jian, pointed out at a regular press conference on Thursday (21st) that the Asia -Pacific region is a high ground for peaceful development, not a geographical fighting arena.It is the United States, not the Chinese side.

Lin Jian emphasized that Taiwan is the Taiwan in China, and the issue of Taiwan is the internal affairs of China. To solve the problem of Taiwan is the Chinese, and it is not tolerant of any external interference.

Lin Jian bluntly said: "Our policy is clear, that is, continue to win the prospect of peace and unity with the greatest sincerity. Our bottom line is clear, that is, Taiwan will never be allowed to split from the motherland."

Lin Jian emphasized that some people in the United States attempted to render the "Chinese threat theory", exacerbated the tension of the Taiwan Strait, provoked confrontation, and China resolutely opposed it.To maintain the peace of Taiwan, we must insist on a China principle clearly and oppose "Taiwan independence".At the same time, no one should underestimate the strong determination, determination and strong ability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.