The truth of immigrants is far from some politicians and media people as terrible as you want you to believe, which is good news for the American people.The possibility of immigration crimes is much lower than American citizens.However, the other party of this controversy should also be criticized.It is not necessary to strengthen border security.Each country has the legitimate rights and interests that can control who can enter.

increasingly obvious and easy to see that immigrants will be a major issue for voters in the US presidential election this year.Since President Biden took office in 2021, more than 6.2 million people have not been allowed to enter the United States at an attempt to cross the country from Mexico, and more than 2 million people have been allowed to stay in the United States and wait for immigration hearing.

Compared with previous years, this significant growth has triggered major controversy.Although the critics of Biden are doubtfully claimed that immigrants are pushing up the crime rate and taking the employment of Americans, some Democrats are also being doubled to strengthen the illegal cross -border.Some people accused some of the latter people undergoing national security, while the legalized advocates accused immigrant hardliners of racism and villain.It can be said that the American people are more split than at any time since the civil war. American politicians are selling simplified remarks on an extremely complicated issue in order to incite fear and anger and deepen the polarization of politics.

However, the truth of immigrants is far from some politicians and media people who want you to believe that it is terrible, which is good news for the American people.First, the possibility of immigration crimes is much lower than American citizens.Nationally, illegal immigrants' prison rates are often much lower than American.Taking Texas as an example, in 2018, illegal immigrants are charged with 45%lower than Americans.The crime rate and imprisonment rate of legal immigrants are even lower.

Republicans often point out that a report from the US Department of Justice in 2021 shows that from 1998 to 2018, non -American citizens arrested by the federal government increased by 234%, while US citizens arrested only 10%.But this growth is completely promoted by the number of people arrested for immigration -related crimes.If this part does not count, the non -citizen's arrest rate will only increase by 5.1%.In other words, when Americans are also likely to be arrested or attacking crimes, the increase in immigration's arrest rate is lower than that of citizens.

However, the other party of this controversy should also be criticized.It is not necessary to strengthen border security.Each country has the legitimate rights and interests that can control who can enter, just like every family has the right to decide who can enter their home.You don't have to take down the door lock, you can open your arms to welcome your neighbors.This is a common sense.

Immigration does not necessarily have to become a party.During Obama's presidential period (at the time, Biden was Vice President), the United States had expelled more than 5.3 million people, that is, about 2.65 million people per session, which was more than 2 million people expelled during the term of Trump.

Economic relations between immigrants and locals are not as zerohe as many people think.Although immigrants do compete with some Americans, the benefits they bring are far greater than the disadvantages.One of the benefits is to suppress inflation.Because there are about three vacancies in each two job seekers, the United States urgently needs more immigration labor.Construction, agriculture and hotel industries have always rely on immigrants.If these jobs are not filled, the number of restaurants and other small enterprises will become less, and the houses built will be reduced.These results will lead to rising prices and reduce the competitiveness of the United States compared to other economies such as China.

Economists usually believe that immigrants expand their overall opportunities, increase wages and reduce prices.After all, if a US factory cannot find a worker with global competitiveness, it will go down or move to places with cheaper labor forces such as Mexico or China.Low -paying immigrant workers not only help leave the factory in the United States, but also means that more workers pay for housing, food, medical care and consumer goods, so as to create more employment positions and increase wages for other American workers.

Due to population reasons, the United States' demand for immigration labor will only increase over time.In 2008, the fertility rate in the United States fell below the alternative level of 2.1 children in each childcare woman, and continued to decline in the past 10 years, and it had fallen to 1.7 by 2021.The decrease in the number of births means that the number of workers in the future is reduced.Fewer and fewer labor population will have to support more and more retired people.

A worry -free problem is that low fertility will cause economic stagnation.Japan's fertility rate fell below the alternative level in the 1970s. By the mid -1990s, its domestic GDP (GDP) and average revenue stopped increasing, which has nothing to do with Japan's completely opposed to the introduction of immigrants.In China, which is currently the world's second largest economy, low fertility rate has become one of the biggest challenges facing long -term growth.

The United States has been an exception for a long time. It is precisely because it is open to immigrants that it can still maintain a strong growth in the case of decreased fertility rate.The steady stream of overseas workers are the key to maintaining economic vitality. Most of them are healthy, young and longing for work.As long as the management is proper, immigrants and native American citizens can benefit from it.

However, proper management needs to be thoughtful and evidence -based discussions, not hysteria.When the calm mind occupies the upper hand, it is possible to maximize the benefits of introducing immigrants to the greatest extent. It also maintains the security of the border and supports the industry workers that may enter the industry.If American politicians really want to serve the interests of the American people, they should give up their excitement and start doing their own work.

The author is a professor of economics at Northwestern University, co -director of the Global Poverty Research Laboratory of Northwest University, and the founding director of the China Economic Laboratory

English Original: The Truth About us Immigration

All rights reserved: Project syndicate, 2024.