Trump and Biden have once again confronted, and there are two precedents for repeated duels in American history.Dwight David Eisenhower has defeated ADLAI E. Stevenson II.Grover Cleveland is the only person to defeat the president's throne in the next election.Now Trump is going to repeat the history of Cleveland's re -election.

Trump and Biden's uniqueness again are that the two such older people confront each other again, which is unprecedented; the two unprecedented candidates are unprecedented again.An unprecedented person, a person who faces 91 felony charges of two state courts and two different federal districts can participate in the presidential election; his opponent is that most Americans think that they are too old but not suitable for campaign.Essence

The American election has created so unprecedentedly, which is a must -have in the world.Only a country with more freedom and democracy can create such presidential elections under the framework of the law.History gives Americans a chance to create a historical miracle. One of the step -down presidents who are pursued by the law can come back to Dongshan, and the other is to publish a fighting article full of good and passionately published in the 81 -year -old.

Most Americans do not accept the two again

In January's public opinion survey, most Americans do not want Biden and Trump to run again, and they are tired of seeing the same candidates in the presidential election.Since they are unwilling, why can Americans only face Bayeng and Trump again?The brief answer is that both of them want to get another presidential term, and they operate in a political system that is conducive to the current.

Trump has realized that the salary -stratum voters were not satisfied with the Democratic and Republican elites as early as 2016.Tax reduction and cutting government expenses are not enough to maintain or expand the advantages of the Republican Party in critical states.Therefore, Trump has taken a step that other Republicans are unwilling to take: he breaks the orthodox Republican economics in terms of trade, welfare and deficit; placing immigration issues on most other issues; and integrating all this to oneIn the populist solution.This made his opponent in the Republican primary election look like an elite despised by the workers' class voters.

After Trump announced his campaign again, the workers' voters re -returned to his major.Trump's violent style combined with economic and cultural populism attracted these voters, which cannot be copied by other Republican opponents in 2024.Republicans had to support Trump.The reason why Trump is so attractive is that the lifestyle of the working class is torn by economic and social reform.Quite a lot of Republican primary voters still believe that even if Trump is convicted, he is also suitable for President of the United States.

Biden must be the strongest candidate to fight Trump in 2024. He represented the compromise between radical left and gentle middle schools in the party.The Democratic Party has no retreat.Democrats are very anxious about Biden's age and low support, but no one in the party can replace Biden, unless Biden withdrawn from the election himself.On the one hand, it is too late to choose another candidate.Candidates must submit documents, and in many cases, they must pay high application fees and hundreds of or even thousands of voters. The deadline for submitting documents has passed.

On the other hand, it is difficult to replace the current president and gain the primary election.As of the end of January, according to federal documents, Biden's re -election campaign team had nearly $ 56 million in cash at hand, which could not be replaced by the party.In 2020, Biden was the only candidate who could defeat Trump and mild image.In 2024, the advantage of Biden was the achievements such as gaining economic performance and winning the re -trust of the allies during his term.Biden continued to maintain a mild and left image to meet Trump, and no one in the Democratic Party could challenge him.

The split Republican Party weakens the probability of winning Trump

Trump's extreme political claims have eroded the traditional values ​​of the Republican Party and led to the division of the Republican Party.Export polls after Trump's nominations within the party showed that Corolovana and one -third of the Republican primary voters of Corolina and Virginia said they would not vote to the Republican Party in November no matter who the nomination was.This reflects the division within the Republican Party. Some lifelong Republicans and Trump "Make American Great Again (Maga) supporters are not allowed.The Maga supporters in the Republican Party are 48%.More traditional Republicans don't like Trump because he breaks the norms.

Nikki Haley quit the campaign did not explain to Trump.On the day before the lecture of the National Love Consultation, Biden invited the 30%Republican primaries.These voters are supporters before Heili withdrawn from.This information is very simple. Trump doesn't want you, Bynden is willing to accept you.Because Trump has stated that anyone who has made "contributions" for Heili will be "permanently prohibited to enter the Maga camp."Trump is full of avenge's narrow minds to create an enemy for himself.On the surface, he followed the former President Reagan, which was actually very different from Reagan.

Reagan is a firm anti -communist flag bearer. Reagan's uncompromising spirit for the Soviet Union is the spiritual power of the United States to win the Cold War victory.Reagan believes that the security and prosperity of the United States can be enhanced by expanding freedom worldwide. The collapse of the Soviet Union has created the prerequisite for the United States, which mainly swept the world for economic globalization.Trump sought the road of isolation and never condemned Putin to launch the war of aggression. On the contrary, he threatened to end the Russian and Ukraine War at 24 hours.Trump's remarks are equivalent to Roman Pope to raise the white flag in Ukraine.Trump's attack on NATO does not meet the responsibility of the United States to maintain the obligations of international order.Trump has no breath of Reagan.

Former US Vice President Pence said he would not support Trump in the 2024 campaign.Pence is a gospel Christian who strongly opposes abortion. During the 2016 presidential campaign, he served as a Trump campaign partner to help him win the support of religious right -wing people.Pence said that Trump lacks plans to respond to national debt. He is vague about restrictions on restrictions on abortion, and he has recently opposed Tiktok.Trump is pursuing the way to pursue the agenda.

Tiktok was processed as earlier by TIKTOK.Trump is only indicating that he has no bottom line, and he can do whatever means to seize power.I dare not imagine that such a person has won the 2024 US election. I believe that the American people will make the right choice for the future of the country and the civilization of all mankind.The world is concerned about the US election, and the US election is all human.

The author is a commentator in Shanghai, China