Although scientists believe that typical geological events, structures, or marks cannot be found at present, and the current age is called the human world, but human beings do have no negligible impact on the plain aspects of the earth.

The New York Times reported that on March 4, the East Coast time of the United States, a group composed of 21 geologists with 4 votes, 12 votes opposite, 2 votes abandoned, and 3 votes that have not been voted without voting and have not formally abstained., Veto the end of a new geological period at the same time of the end of the new world (starting to 1700) in October 2023, which was proposed in October 2023 -a proposal to open a new geological period at the same time -the human world (human -oriented as a sign) proposalEssenceDue to the "calm period" of the International Strangers (ICS), the proposal needs to wait at least 10 years to review it again.

Some scientists have proposed that the earth has entered the human world. For tens of thousands of years, human activities have a great impact on the earth, not only affect all creatures on the earth, but also change the geological structure.The Human World Working Group was established in 2009. After a large number of research and discussions, the 40 scientists in the working group determined that the existence of the human world and locked the time of the human world in the 1950s.

On July 11, 2023, the Human World Working Group proposed that the sediments at the bottom of the Lake Lake Lake in Canada were as a sign of the end of the new world and the beginning of the human world.IUGS) submitted the proposal.According to the process, the proposal must be evaluated by the third -level institution, including the Fourth Disciplinary Strangers Committee Committee, the International Strangers Commission and the International Federation of Geological Sciences.

In early February 2024, the Fourth Disciplinary Stylus Group Committee began to vote.Several members of the group committee believe that the rules of the base level, and each section of the Euestion of Earth Age requires a clear, objective and suitable starting point for the world, and human beings leave too many different types of marks in nature. TimeThe span is too large to clearly summarize with a single starting point.Therefore, they are more inclined to describe the human world as "events", not the "Era".

However, the rejection of the proposal does not mean that scientists have denied the impact of human beings on the earth.Although scientists believe that typical geological events, structures, or marks cannot be found at present, calling the current age as the human world, but human beings do have no negligible effect on the plane of the earth.The impact is not just to make it difficult for other creatures to survive, but also make your survival difficulty, but also cause deterioration of ecology and environment.This is not old -fashioned. There are too many facts and research results to warn everyone.

Human urbanization, agricultural intensiveization, and climate change caused by people's activities as the main reasons will cause changes in the small living survival on the earth, which will seriously affect human agricultural output and economic development.This can be reflected from some recent research results.

Scientists from the National Science Research Center of France (CNRS) and the University of Montpellier have found that flowering plants growing in farmland do not need insect powder.With the gradual decrease in spreading pink insects, the reproduction of these flowering plants has become more difficult, and they are evolving in the direction of self -preaching powder.

Among the about 1.4 million biological categories that have been described at present, about one -sixth of the quilt plants and 350,000 kinds of pink animals constitute a complex plant -Powder Interactive Network in the land ecosystem, creating global richnessBiological diversity.Among them, rumors of pink insects have an important role.

Bees, butterflies, moths, ants, beetles, etc. are important pink insects. About 84%of crops for humans need to rely on pink insects.Now, French researchers have discovered that the result of gradually decreasing powder insects is that some plants are evolving to self -preaching powder, which causes the consequences that people are unacceptable -the leaves, flowers, and fruits of plants have become smaller.

Compared with the three -color puppet growing in the Paris region 2030 before, the three -colored flower flowers growing in the same area today are 10%smaller, and the yield of nectar is reduced by 20%.This situation has formed a vicious cycle. The reduction of pink insects leads to the reduction of nectar production, which will exacerbate the decrease in the number of these insects.

An important reason for this vicious circle is: intensive agriculture.A study published by Natural Magazine in the United Kingdom in 2022 observed data from about 6,000 different locations nearly 20,000 insects, including bees, ants, butterflies, pupae, and dragonflies.The results showed that in the past 40 years, agricultural intensive and climate -warming superimposed has reduced global insects by nearly 50%, the number of species has been reduced by 27%, and European wild bee and butterfly population have decreased by 31%and 37%, respectively.

Agricultural intensiveness reduces insects to reduce insects. This model can make a large number of farmland monocidal planting for a long time, and the single of crops will affect biodiversity.Single planting will reduce the comprehensive service function of the farmland ecosystem, resulting in the decline in fertility and productivity of farmland, imbalance of nutrient cycling, multiple pests, and not attracting more pink and insects.

Another behavior of human agricultural activities is also an important reason for the reduction of insects, that is, a large amount of pesticides.Pesticides include insecticides, bactericides, herbicides and mate killer. Their harm to the main pink insect bee is much larger than before.Even if the non -fatal dose (that is, the obviously harmless dose), a pesticide will shorten the life of the bee by about 50%.The average life expectancy of bees raised now is 17.7 days, and the 1970s were 34.3 days.

The reason is that some of the more toxic insecticides on the crops will cause the bees to be poisoned and die when collecting pollen, and some toxins will cause the bees to lose their ability to distinguish the direction and cannot bring the pollen back to the hive.In addition, some bees can bring the collected pollen back to the hive, but the pollen contains the toxic ingredients of various types of pesticides, herbicides, and bacteria, which will spread to the entire honeycomb.Coupled with the violations of parasites such as bee mites and other germs, the immune system of bees will be severely damaged.

Climate change can also cause insects to survive difficulties.Like people and other creatures, insects should be suitable for temperature.The temperature that is most suitable for insects is 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, which is lower than 10 degrees Celsius.These reasons are the reasons for the large amount of pink insects led by bees.

One Ye Zhiqiu, from the changes of tiny creatures, can see the impact of humans on the earth and nature.Therefore, even if the human world's proposal is rejected, human beings must be alert and more convergence, which not only achieves sustainable development, but also gives other biological survival space.

The author is Beijing scholar