The UN Security Council passed the resolution on Monday (March 25), requiring Israel and Hamas to stop immediately during the Memoro -Raber of Muslim, in order to achieve a long -term suspension.The resolution also requires all obstacles to release all hostages and eliminate humanitarian assistance immediately.However, the members of the Security Council have different interpretations of whether the resolution is binding. The suspension negotiations of all parties in Doha also entered the dead bureau.Worried.

The longer the war, the more the humanitarian crisis will increase, and the higher the risk of conflict overflowing.Singapore is a society of diversified race and diversified religion. Naturally, the risk of religious factors is dare not take lightly.

Last Sunday (March 24), the Singapore Ministry of the Interior rarely asked the Israeli embassy in Singapore to delete a harmonious post on Singapore on the official Facebook.Shang Mogan, Minister of the Interior and Minister of Justice, pointed out that the embassy represents sovereignty and has autonomy, and the government generally does not interfere with their remarks.However, he said: "Anyone who affects the safety of the Singapore people and affects our peace and harmony, we will interfere."

The posts uploaded by the Israeli Embassy refer to the Cocae Scripture mentioned as many as 43 times, but never mentioned the word "Palestine".In addition, it claims that archaeological data confirmed that Jews were aboriginals of Israeli land.Shang Morgan criticized this post to selectively quote the religious scriptures to express his political views, and pointed out that "under the current situation", the Israeli embassy uses the Coco Jing to achieve this goal, which is wrong.

Ma Shangao, the Minister of Social and Family Development and the Second Minister of Health of Muslim Affairs, posted a post on Facebook and said: "I feel very sad when I see this post, and I also understand the grievances that our community feel."

Compared with the Ukrainian war, the economic impact on Singapore with the Harbin War was small, but the emotional impact was quite large, especially for the Muslim community.Shen Ying, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of National Development and Minister of Foreign Affairs, pointed out in a Chinese -speaking speech in Congress that for the local Chinese community, the conflict of Harbin conflict belongs to the complex and long grudges of the Middle East.For ethnic groups, this is a terrible disaster, which makes them "sleepy and sad."In fact, there are no shortage of people who are distressed against the conflict in the Chinese people. They embrace the universal heart of human beings and cannot bear the tragedy.

On the other hand, Meng Liqi, the Minister of the Prime Minister's Office, and the Second Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, pointed out in the parliament that the government understands and pays attention to the Malaysian / Muslim community's feelings about the continuous conflict of Yha.He said that there are three links between the Malay / Muslim community and the Palestinian's laughed population, including the mood of Muslim's brotherhood, the emotion of Jerusalem Aksa's return church (third Holy Land), and humanitarian care.He said that religious leaders have issued guidelines to provide space for the Malay / Muslim community to express their emotions in the Middle East.

Singapore is a country of diversified race and religion. Foreign forces can easily use the identity of ethnic and religious identity to split Singaporea society.Therefore, Singapore has always emphasized the spirit of separation of politics and religion, and only the spirit of the use of religious values, to avoid the impact of religious value, as well as the fair principles of transcendence of racial complexion.Foreign Minister Venwen pointed out in Congress that Singapore's foreign policy cannot be guided by public opinion or Chinese people's emotions for external groups.It must be based on the core interests of the country and act according to the principles of Singapore's independence, the integrity and security of sovereignty.He emphasized that internal unity is an important condition for implementing effective diplomatic.

In order to maintain internal solidarity, the Singapore government is prohibited from public rally related to conflict related to Harbin; the Ministry of the Interior reminds people and passengers that Singapore does not tolerate any acts that support or publicize terrorist activities, including showing Hamas or its armed units.Logo; the Ministry of Education also incorporated Harbin conflict into the character and citizen education courses, aiming to "let students understand the development of the situation, express personal opinion, manage emotions, and respect multiple views."

However, the popularization of social media and the identity of religious identity provides spillover space for the conflict of Harbin.On the other hand, Israel is too aggressive when exercising the right to self -defense, causing international public anger, and may further provoke the mood of the Muslim community.However, Chinese people must clearly understand that Singapore is not any party that conflicts with Harbin, and it cannot allow foreign conflicts to affect social cohesion.