After Javier Milei as the president of Argentina in December last year, Argentina's foreign policy changes can be divided into two levels: international relations and China -Arab relations.

Milai's international view is mainly manifested in two aspects, one is that Davos's speech shocked the world.On January 16th, Schwarb, the founder of the World Economic Forum, said that although some people described the method of the new president as "radical", he "introduced a new spirit for Argentina to make Argentina closer to freedom to be more free.Enterprise and entrepreneurial activities ".Former US President Trump and Tesla CEO Marus highly appreciated Millai's speech.

Since Miller started new liberal experiments immediately after working, not only reduced government departments and relaxed monetary control, it looked very close to the Washington consensus. Therefore, the International Monetary Fund provided 44 billion US dollars (about S $ 59.3 billion) aid.Director -General Georgieva met with Millai during the forum and reiterated the decisive steps that he was taking to lower the inflation and pushed the economic growth driven by the private sector.

Before the Argentine presidential election last November, the Wall Street Journal Latin American column said that "Milai is the only candidate to avoid economic disasters."The speech caused controversy in the Chinese academic community.

First of all, Zheng Yongnian, a lecture professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). He believes that "Miller's speech is undoubtedly a political essay. Just as Hayek's road to slavery is a political essay ...The response on the Chinese public opinion field actually shows that some people lack independent thinking based on local practice.Economic propositions and economics of Chinese solutions should be found. In a great era, great ideas should be appeared.

The second is to highlight the position of the selection station team.After Miller refused to join the BRICS Group, he was evaluating to join the American PARTNERSHIP for Economic Prosperity. The plan was announced by the US President Bayeng at the American Summit in 2022. Except for the United States, members include Canada andBarbados, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay.

China -Arab comprehensive strategic partnership is tested

China and Argentina's resource endowment and industrial structure are highly complementary. China is the second largest trading partner in Argentina and the largest agricultural export market.In Argentina's high inflation, Chinese products effectively alleviate the pressure of people's lives.However, all of this may be diluted because Miller's selection team is diluted.

Mirley worked five days after his inauguration, he received a short -term loan of US $ 913 million in the American Development Bank to relieve the pressure on debt repayment.The new government also unilaterally stops negotiations to purchase Chinese fighter aircraft, instead seeking to purchase second-hand American F-16 fighters from Denmark.India signed an agreement to cooperate with Argentina to cooperate with lithium ore to challenge China's current advantage of mining lithium ore in Argentina.The Milan government's foreign policy is impacting Sino -Arab relations from two different levels.

First of all, strategic partnership.In order to further consolidate and strengthen the Aguan Department, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Argentina in July 2014. He and then President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner decided to improve the China -Arab strategic partnership to a comprehensiveStrategic partnerships to adapt to the reality of developing Sino -Arab relations.During the period, the two countries signed the first joint action plan, the China -Arab Economic and Investment Cooperation Framework Agreement and the Sino -Arab Monetary Swap Agreement, and also held the first Sino -Arab economic cooperation and coordination strategic dialogue.Unexpectedly, on January 28 this year, Miller reiterated in an interview with the Wall Street Journal that his economic policy direction includes the goals such as the US dollar, the promotion of privatization and zero deficit.He also announced that he would negotiate with the British on the issue of the ownership of the French Islands and stated that although he did not oppose that private enterprises negotiated with China, he would not form an alliance with Communists. China is not a strategic partner of Argentina.

Followed by the regional integration level.In November last year, Millai threatened to withdraw from the "Southern Common Market" (referred to as the Southern Communist Party), which may affect China's geopolitical status in South America.In 1999, the European Union and the South Communist Party of China Free Trade Agreement negotiated. Although they reached an consensus in June 2019, they later became deadlocked due to the Amazon Rainforest protection policy of former Brazil President Bosonaro.Last May, the background information report of the US Foreign Relations Association described the South Communist Party as a elusive trade group in South America.The report believes that there are two main reasons. One is internal stance differences, and the other is that member states have inconsistent cognition of China.

If the European Union and the South Communist Party are signed smoothly, it will become the world's largest free trade zone. Therefore, the EU can play an important role in the connection between sustainable development and free trade; if the negotiation fails, China will benefit the greatest benefit.The South Communist Party is the top priority of "Global South", so it has become the object of international power to fight for alliances. However, because Argentina's position is uncertain, it is difficult to reach a consensus.

Of course, it is impossible for Milai to continue to play the role of a white -eyed wolf in China -Arab relations. Foreign Minister Wang Yi has met with Argentine Foreign Minister Mondono during the Munich Safety Conference on February 17 to reiterate the maintenance of the stable relationship between the two parties.Promise, how the effect needs to be observed.

The author is a professor of research professor of the National School of Political and Strategic Research (Anepe)