The disadvantaged people in society should not be used as a pawn, and it can be said that it is simply immoral.The situation of this couple is compassionate, trying to help them be praised. If they only use them as political shells, they can also be blessed!

There is a "default" approach between the party members of the People's Action: if there are different district voters who come to see the people to help you, they usually return the relevant matters to the members of the residents' constituencies to deal with it.The reason why some voters "cross -border help" is usually because they do not get the results they want after seeing the members of the district, or they think that the members of the district are "not enough", so they go to some ministerial districts to touch their luck.

The Workers' Party in the wild seems to pursue the "principles" of members of the non -cross -border (district line) to handle people's affairs.Workers' Secretary -General Bi Danxing (also the leader of the Congress opposition party) received a pair of couples who lived in the West Coast Constitution for help (this is not only cross -border, but also across the party) four years ago.It is said that this email was found when cleaning up the document, so he thought of notifying Liang Wenhui, a member of the non -elected district member of the party in the West Coast Constitution.Bi Danxing called the couple on February 11 and told them that someone would visit the next day.The next day, when Liang Wenhui came to the door, the couple was surprised because they did not ask him for help.

After visiting the couple by visiting the couple, she was on his Facebook post, saying that the couple (the husband was blind due to glaucoma, his wife sprained his feet again, and his movement was inconvenient) fell into a dilemma of life, but the government did not provide them with enough enough to provide them enough.Economic assistance has caused its accumulation.The two were rejected when they applied for other aids, such as bus subsidies.The health problems of the two made them fall into financial difficulties, and their wives gave up physical therapy because they could not afford the cost of 100 yuan each time.

The Ministry of Social and Family Development will quickly clarify. In fact, the couple have received economic assistance from public institutions and community partners every month, including home viewing allowances, water and electricity bill subsidy coupons of the Southwest Community Development Council, and the People's Association issued by the People's AssociationThe cheap supermarket shopping vouchers, as well as the 300 yuan cash provided by the temple, the total value is about 830 yuan.Since 2021, they have received a total of about 39,000 yuan in cash and subsidy vouchers, including the aid of the 21,000 yuan community care plan obtained from May 2021 to April 2023.The retirement households of the two also exceeded 100,000 yuan in deposits, and women's health savings households also had more than 60,000 yuan.

The minister immediately issued a correction instruction to Liang Wenhui in accordance with the prevention of online fake information and network manipulation laws.On February 23, Liang Wenhui claimed that he was responsible for and resigned as the party secretary general.People think this is the end.Unexpectedly, on March 4, the worker's party member Yan Yansong asked a verbal question to ask whether the official had to disclose the amount of provident fund deposits of the couple.What he was worried about was that this would make people who had difficulty asking for help because they were afraid of privacy and were exposed.

Cai Ruilong, the senior government affairs director of the Ministry of Social and Family Development, responded that the official just put the facts and did not disclose the identity of the victim at all.At this time, a bit of gold was killed halfway. Yang Yicai, a Councilor of Latin Maste, got up and asked for a supplementary question: Is the information about the couple leaked?In this regard, there was an surprising story: After the post -posts of Liang Wenhui appeared, the volunteers responsible for taking care of the couple were surprised. After asking, they knew the original committee.The couple said that they email Bidan four years ago, but they did not receive a response. They did not ask for help from the advanced party or Liang Wenhui. The process was full of drama.But this is obviously not an ordinary drama, but a political drama.Strangely, although Liang Wenhui, one of the protagonists in the play, was in the Hall of the Board, but always said nothing, only looking at the wall.

After Cai Ruilong came out of the original commission, Bi Danxing had to get up and respond, saying that it was recently discovered the matter that the document was recently cleaned up, so he asked the couple to add an address and notify Liang Wenhui.This incident gives a lot of questions: Why did Bi Danxing wait for four years?Why did not deal with the (DAP) parliamentarians directly to them at the beginning?Why did you forget for four years and thought of the old thing?Moreover, as Cai Ruilong proposed, why did you choose to release the new fiscal year budget a few days before the government?Why did Liang Wenhui, who "took over", did not further find out the truth, just on Facebook, and so on?

Liang Wenhui's actions may be easier to understand. At that time, as the secretary -general of the party, he naturally hoped that he could expose more on the media. Suddenly received the "artillery shells" who came to the door. Maybe it was because of this psychological drive.Without asking the clearness of the matter, he was anxious to fire the government.This "impulse" made him pay a certain price, including as he said, resigned as the party, and he was responsible.

As for Bi Danxing's move, there are more doubts.His explanation was that the folder recently discovered the matter. In other words, he forgotten the matter, but whether it was true, only he knew it himself.As a sophisticated opposition party politician, people have reason to believe that in addition to "forgetting", they cannot rule out other possibilities, including this incident to become a "spare shell" so that they can come in handy at appropriate time.In the end, it was decided to transfer the "artillery shells" to the advanced party, but it cannot be ruled out that it is necessary to be fake.

Cai Ruilong made such a statement: He did not know why Bi Danxing did not take action for four years, but then transferred the matter to Liang Wenhui, and did not know if Bi Danxing knew that Liang Wenhui would be exposed in social media four days before the budget publication.This matter.But politically, this is an ancient technology, which highlights that the case has attracted people's attention.Interestingly, a few days before the budget was published (February 16), it may be to make people mistakenly think that the government did not help the help.

Cai Ruilong finally clicked out: The disadvantaged groups in society should not be used as Trojan horses, horses, or chess pieces.Trojan is telling the story of Homer's epic and Greek mythology. Trojan horses siege in the city, not now the so -called Trojema computer virus.The Troy War was 10 years. The Greek Allied Forces attacked the city of Troy for a long time. Finally, they came up with a Trojan to attack the city. They created a huge Trojan horse, hiding from ambush and pretending to retreat, so that the Trojans took the Trojan horses as combat bands.After returning to the city, after entering the city of Troy, the Greeks burned and looted, and finally returned with loot.

This story is not very appropriate in the context of the above political drama.Looking at the plot, it was not the couple but the forward party and Liang Wenhui became Trojan horses.Of course, Liang Wenhui can also be said to be a horse.The disadvantaged couples are regarded as a political pawn.But the disadvantaged people in society should not be regarded as a pawn, and it can be said that it is simply immoral.The situation of this couple is compassionate, trying to help them be praised. If they only use them as political shells, they can also be blessed!

The author is a former journalist, a member of the former DAP parliament