Recently, an artificial intelligence (AI) generating video about the late singer Li Yan has been circulated on Weibo.In the video, Li Yan's makeup is complete, and his face expression is quite natural.Once the video was released, it was immediately watched and forwarded by many fans who missed Li Yan.They said, "I really burst into tears when I see the video, and I feel that Li Yan has been alive." "I really don't think she left."

However, this move has also been criticized and condemned by many netizens. They believe that the restoration of Li Xun's life through AI is not only disrespect for Li Yan and her family, but also irresponsible to their emotions.Some netizens also said angrily: We like Li Yan with soul, not a pile of data!

In addition to Li Yan, the resurrection of the AI ​​also includes superstar Leslie Cheung, Taiwanese actor Gao Yixiang, and mainland actor Qiao Renliang.The settings of the video are also roughly the same as Li Yan. Ask it first, and then say a few words to fans.The response of netizens is the same as resurrected Li Yan, with support and opposition.

It is not difficult to see that whether it is support or opposition, the foothold is placed on the feelings of the late star and respect for their family members.The right to privacy of his family has not been considered whether he has been authorized by the late star family.However, the legal border is precisely the most considered issues such as AI "resurrection".

The fact that the rapid development of AI has made many people's understanding of the word "security" more and more concerned.If there is no strict legal border and no necessary regulatory measures, no one can guarantee that AI will not become a loophole or even a "black hole" for human beings in the future.Because once the unscrupulous and the criminals are grasped, problems such as fraud and ethics will occur at any time, becoming a major harm of human beings.

I have to say that the development of artificial intelligence has exceeded the cognition of most people, and also exceeds the category that most people can control, and also surpass the scope of most people's acceptable and affordable scope.Just like "resurrection" the late star, if the criminals use the "resurrected" the late stars to sell money and raise funds, how many people will be willing to pay because of the feelings of the celebrities?If so, wouldn't it provide a profit opportunity for criminals and unscrupulous people?Another example is to sneak into the enterprise through non -normal means, pretend to be senior leaders of the enterprise, and then imitate the signature of enterprise leaders to implement fraud. How to prevent it?

In the same way, the consequences of the AI ​​"resurrection" of others may bring. If there are no effective protective methods and response measures, it should be said to be very serious and it is difficult for humans to bear it.The development of AI must be based on simultaneous advancement of regulatory mechanisms and preventive methods, rather than AI mavericks, and the regulatory mechanism and prevention methods are seriously lagging behind.Otherwise, it will become a major harm of human beings.

We are not saying that because it is easy to be used by criminals and unscrupulous people, we should not develop artificial intelligence. Instead, it is believed that the development of artificial intelligence must simultaneously promote the establishment of the regulatory mechanism, simultaneously and improve the relevant legal system, clarify AI AILegal border.Only various measures can follow up in time to ensure that the industry is developing healthy and orderly, otherwise it will be opposed by more and more people.

Back to the "Resurrection" late star, a star who has a great influence among the audience like Li Yan, when using AI "resurrection", it should be even more clarified by the legal boundary, rather than what the operator said "Nothing"Just collect money.No money is just a gesture, not a rule.The rules of the "resurrection" of the late stars must be obtained and authorized by the family.Without authorization, there is no right to "resurrect" the late star, otherwise, it is infringement.

Obviously, for the operators, all they think of is a business, just want to seize such "business opportunities", but ignores artificial intelligence and is not outside the law.EssenceIf you surpass the category of legal regulations, you need to bear the corresponding legal responsibility.If Li Yan's family believes that "resurrection" Li Yan is an infringement, there is a reason to pursue the legal responsibility of the infringer through judicial channels.Did the operator think of?Do you know whether this is infringement or illegal act at all?

In short, through the AI ​​"resurrection" of the late stars, we further tell us that we must have awe of the development of this industry.Negative and negative effects, so as to take strong measures to ensure that it can develop healthy and orderly.In particular, the regulatory mechanism and prevention measures must be followed and walked, and then hurriedly remedied after serious problems.

The author is Chinese Financial Reviewer