"Have you started artificial intelligence?"

A few days ago at a media activity organized by YouTube, editors and journalists from different countries inquired with each other.At the same time, at the same time as the conversation, Youtube US headquarters announced the official launch of the "AI label", requiring those who publish content on the YouTube platform to clearly disclose the content generated by artificial intelligence.

YouTube announced this plan last November. The purpose is not to disable AI in one hand, but only for the audio and video content that "will be considered realistic".According to the official explanation, when uploading a video on the YouTube platform, if you have one of the following three items, you must mark the video as "the content of changes": make the real person seem to say or do it.What you do; change the real events or scenes; generate realistic but unreasonable scenes.For sensitive or major events, YouTube will further highlight the AI ​​label of related content and restrict the content of irregular or malicious fraud.

In short, this is a "counterfeit" of a video platform. The target of cracking down is all content that is true and nothing.

2024 is the year of election. I believe that all those who have seen in -depth falsification technologies are not difficult to understand why YouTube rushed to launch such a plan.However, although this plan is a good beginning, it is the ritual of "preventing gentlemen from preventing villains".YouTube currently uploads an average of more than 3 million videos a day, and it is only one of the world's multiple large video platforms.Tiktok has an average of more than 30 million short videos a day.

In this, most of them are independent creators who are dedicated to producing content.The formal news media is not perfect, but in the video world that you can't think of and without you can't find, it is also a group that is independent.In the journalist and self -media people, they discussed how to use AI responsiblely to use AI. Some creators who lack supervision and have no self -requirements have long used this technology to win the eyeballs and make a profit.

Not long ago, a fake video was reposted crazy on TIKTOK: the image of the well -known podcast Joe Rogan was put on the fake mouth type by AI deep pseudo technology, revealing that the US government was concealing a big bad bad bad.News -Comet will hit the earth, and the end of the world is coming.Do not underestimate such a videos that are alarmist and conspiracy theory that can attract traffic, but rely on platform algorithms to realize the traffic.This video has been won by Tiktok because of extensive attention.Just this month, Tiktok also announced that it will support high -quality content through the award mechanism, hoping that the good currency will eventually expel bad coins.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai said on Tuesday at the 25th anniversary dinner of the English News Channel's CNA, saying that the semi -true and misleading content is increasingly overflowing, and the speed of communication is far better than the bland truth.The false content of AI will become more and more difficult to deal with, and the government will try its best to prevent these threats, which also highlights the heavy responsibility of media operators.

In the impetuous era of conscience, counterfeiting requires more lethal weapons.False malware can from scratch, but responsible high -quality content will not fall from the sky.

The technology giants in charge of content life and death, focusing on the government and institutions that focus on real and trustworthy information dissemination, can use AI technology recognition and control the abuse of AI, so that technology can be achieved "shields of somewhat spears" to help high -quality contentOne arm power.At the same time, the media industry must also resist the temptation, and keep in mind that if the distance between our fake is reduced, we will not be far away from evil.