However, with more and better hardware facilities, they must ensure that they are busy, make full use, and make great events.Promoting Singapore as a well -known international meeting, the memorial hall, exhibition center, etc. will not become a false image project.

In our unknowingly, there are more and more memorial halls and exhibition centers on different themes in Singapore.In the future, the visiting activities of primary and secondary school students will be even more exciting.

During the 50th anniversary celebration of the National People's Civil Services in 2017, Premier Li Xianlong announced that the floating stage of the Bay Bay will be rebuilt as "NS Square" to pay tribute to all national service personnel and their families.After a lapse of seven years, on March 19, Patriotic Square finally laid the foundation in the Binhai Bay, and about 400 national service personnel attended.

Today, "Weiguo Square" is still a fresh term, which is slowly familiar with the Chinese people.This is an old place for the National Day review celebration. It is already a memory of the growth of the new generation of Chinese people.Dr. Huang Yonghong, the Minister of Defense, said at the groundbreaking ceremony: "Without the adherence and commitment of national service personnel, our troops will not be strong, and our deterrence will be lost." Here will be developed into a new facility to praise national service personnel.The contribution of the defender of the family also highlights Singapore's determination to continue to strengthen national defense strength.

The square will make good use of the unique coastal location and integrate into community sports facilities suitable for all ages, such as gym, air outdoor swimming pools, and water sports centers.Another permanent stage, and a basement extending to the coastal storage pool is specially built.

The focus is on the National Plaza of the National Sites, which will also set up the national service theme exhibition area, which is divided into an immersive space across two -story, and a viewing corridor that can enjoy the city's seaside landscape.The exhibition area shows the stories of armed forces, police forces and civil defense forces through various multimedia platforms and hardware facilities, as well as their contributions.

The cantilever structure around the stage of the stage is 25 meters. "It is said that it is the first case in Southeast Asia, which can accommodate about 30,000 seats. The audience can enjoy the performance on the stage from a multi -view corner.From the perspective of the difficulty of architectural structure, the square also strives to set another record.

The government has been paying tribute to national service personnel in different ways in the past. Wei Guo Square should not be just a larger and luxurious club.

The official Singapore indoor gymnasium, which has recently announced that it has been over 30 years old, will complete historical tasks, and replace it with a new venue with a more sense of time.Therefore, in the future, two facilities that can accommodate 20,000 to 30,000 viewers, one outdoors, an indoor, complement or not, and complement each other.

In addition, the Subway Binhai City Line Expo Station will also be transformed into a Navy Museum, allowing the public to contact a 3D warship up close, and can also scan the QR code to open the expansion of the integrated game and filter to understand the operation and different navy operation and different parties.Warship boats and so on.The new MRT and Defence Collective Singapore signed a memorandum of understanding on March 15th to cooperate to implement this creative new concept, so that subway passengers can also take this station to increase a little naval defense knowledge.Singapore's sea, land, and air forces have since nothing, and are important for national education.

The development and diversification of water resources is also another achievement from scratch.In August 2002, when Singapore's new water technology research and development officially announced the success of success, it opened a new situation for the survival and development of the country.At present, Singapore has five new water plants.

In order to let Chinese people understand the precious water resources, and the new water is clean and edible water, the government has invested huge sums of money and built a freshwater exhibition hall on the east near the Changyi Road.The production process and the situation of world water resources can also allow visitors to visit the actual operation of the water plant.

To tell the success story of Singapore, Changyi Airport is indispensable.Last month, I occasionally in the second passenger building of Changyi Airport, I was surprised to "break into" a theme "The Courage to Dream".Development story) Bilingual picture exhibition, revisit the history of the development of Zhangi Airport.

At that time, the government moved the airport from Bayeria to Zhangi. It is well known that the eyes and courage of the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, but Lee Kuan Yew did not help merit, but strongly attributed to the two powerful assistants. In the 1970sHou Yongchang, the chairman of the Hong Kong Affairs Bureau, and Shen Jiwen, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Communications, the execution ability and dedication spirit. He even gave Hou Yongchang, who hosted the Hou Yongchang, who hosted Changyi Airport in 1981EssenceThe Changyi Airport, which has won international honors, should set up a permanent exhibition center to present the experience of overcoming the crisis.

From the thrill of the armed forces, the self -reliance of water resources to the successful story of Changi Airport to become a benchmark for international competition, etc., the driving force behind it comes from the trust of the government by the Chinese people."Water" instead stimulates the support of Singaporeans for freshwater.

The world's famous metropolis, such as London, Paris, Rome in Europe, New York, Washington in the United States, Beijing, Shanghai in China, Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, etc., all theme museums, art museums, art museums, art museums, art museums, art museums, art museums, art museums, art museums, art museumstheater.Although Singapore is a small place, there can be atmospheric factions. Why is the memorial and exhibition center Lin Li?

However, with more and better hardware facilities, it is necessary to ensure that they are busy, make full use, and eventually the event.Promoting Singapore as a well -known international city, a memorial hall, exhibition center, etc. will not be reduced to a false image project.

Singapore Elementary School lacks natural resources, but there is no lack of successful stories. Through exhibition centers, memorials, museums, it can be described in the beginning for tourists from all parties and those who come here.More successful stories can also inspire future generations to write diligently and continue to enrich our history of founding the country.