The terrorist attacks in the concert hall of the suburbs of Moscow have exacerbated the sense of crisis of the world in the analotic era, and also reminded the world that there is no difference in the threat of the world.Breaking out in any country, causing serious psychological deterrent effects.

The incident has killed more than a hundred people, and more than a hundred people were injured. It was Russia's largest terrorist attack in Russia for 20 years.The terrorist organization that admits to the crime is ISIS-K in the Afghan branch of the Islamic State.According to reports, American intelligence shows that ISIS-K may attack the goals of the United States and Western countries outside Afghanistan.American Intelligence researchers also pointed out that ISIS-K was dissatisfied with the Putin government in 2015 to support Syrian President Assad to fight against opposition and Iraqi organizations, and has been fighting Putin in recent years.In fact, it is reported that the Russian Federal Security Agency frustrated on the 7th of this month that ISIS-K launched a conspiracy to launch an armed attack in a Jewish church near Moscow.

The United States and European countries and Russia are in opposition because of the Russian and Ukraine War, and they are intrigue in the field of diplomacy and military, but these are not because of the IIII international terrorist organizations that continue to carry out secret destruction conspiracy.The International Terrorism Index shows that since the September 11th incident, religious extremism has replaced political separation and has become the main source of terrorist attacks.Many terrorist organizations originated from the Middle East. Its characteristics are to gather religion and political extreme ideas, as well as ancient beliefs or history, and to focus on violence and destruction as a means to achieve the purpose of deterring the world.Former British Prime Minister Sachel said in the era of confrontation with the Republican Army of Ireland that "((media) publicly spreading is the oxygen of terrorism. If the oxygen is cut off, terrorism cannot breathe." It shows that many terrorist attacks are important.The purpose is to publicize the sense of existence and deterrence through public communication. This is a time when social media is becoming more and more developed, it is more significant to terrorists.The murder of individual terrorists often wants to achieve the same goal as the goals of other members of the organization.Or strategic goals may also be blurred and uncertain.

Although ISIS-K came forward to admit the murderer for the first time, and the United States and other intelligence also confirmed that they did it, but Russia's speech after the incident was suspected of being guided by the Ukrainian main envoys, including saying that the gunman took a car after the case of the gunman's case.Fleeing to the border between Russia and Ukraine, they also said that they were in contact with Ukraine.Ukraine immediately accused Russia of saying ridiculous, and the United States also said that incidents had nothing to do with Ukraine.The four gunmen have been arrested, and Russia should announce the results of the investigation as soon as possible and share information with the international community.Based on the state of Russia and Ukraine, Russia insisted on being related to Ukraine. It may not be able to rationalize it to launch a larger attack operation in the future, but it may affect international cooperation to combat terrorist intelligence and actions.This is a subject that Russia must return to rationality and seriousness.

Russia and the United States have inextricable relationships with terrorist organizations in the Central East and Central Asia Today. The forces that are dissatisfied with Moscow in Russia have signs of the recent rise.The power will be in line with the Iraqi organization of Central Asia, and will their destruction goals overflow on Russia.For various reasons, Russia and the international community honestly share the information of terrorism, which is very important.

As the international community interaction is more frequent after the epidemic, many countries have opened their country, and it is not a temptation to wait for the terrorist wait opportunities to wait for the opportunity.Singapore's first condemnation of terrorist attacks is a consistent position.While we try our best to improve our economic and social development to another height, we must not take it lightly because the incident occurs in a distant place. We must keep in mind that terrorist connectivity is not a rational ideological system. In addition to religion, it also includes political thoughts.Even racism, terrorism is more concerned about whether there is a chance to succeed, to achieve the effect of scaring the world, and "Liwei" for their own madness.

For a long time, Singaporean politicians have continuously emphasized that Singapore cannot be exempted from the threat of terrorist attacks. In the era of social media comprehensively occupying life, the society must show the consciousness of condensation and unity when the crisis occurs in the crisis to disintegrate the terrorist attack.The purpose of cracking down on the confidence of Chinese people and destroying social trust.This is also the confidence of Singapore and international close cooperation in investigating terrorism.