A series of measures in the United States recently made people feel wrong: there is no rules and contradictions.Don't figure out what signal it wants to send to the outside world.Whether it is his opponent or allies, it often feels confused.

It is a typical attitude towards the conflict of Harbin.Faced with the humanitarian disaster caused by Israel, the United States seemed to want to intervene, but it seemed to be unable to restrain Israel's actions, so he gave Patsha Humanitarian aid to masturbate.This is an objective thing that is a good thing, but it has been criticized.Because of the food from the Gaza airdrop, there is no obvious effect, and it also costs huge.The cost of airdrops is generally seven times that of land transportation, and the delivery capacity cannot be compared with the land: a truck is 10 times that of a aircraft.Moreover, the food sent by the US aircraft is not practical. "Some need a microwave oven. We don't even have electricity now. How can we eat it?" And most of the foods in the airdrops are only two or three meals.

President Biden recently intended to transport humanitarian assistance substances to Gaza through the sea road to save hundreds of thousands of Kasha people on the verge of starvation.To this end, a temporary port along the Mediterranean coast of Gaza needs to be built.But it takes several months to complete this transportation mechanism. Can the people of Gaza wait?In fact, the best way is to immediately stop or suspend Israel's actions in Gaza, and openly open the land transportation route blocked by Israel.But the United States is reluctant to do so, and is still providing Israel with weapons and ammunition to attack Gaza.This kind of contradictory approach was shot by the article by the New York Times website as "American bombs and foods falling towards Gaza at the same time."

Similar contradictions are that on the one hand, the United States cares about climate warming, and on the one hand, various military exercises continue to discharge huge amounts of greenhouse gas and various pollutants to the earth; on the other handTo implement the green economy, on the one hand, a new energy electric vehicle spawned by China's green economy; while expressed that he was very concerned about Tiktok's "safety risk".... This is obviously different from the former Trump.Although Trump is often raising, his policy is basically the same before and after, and it seems that this concept split has not yet appeared.

The best way to make it a certain way to make it a certain way to become a certain way is that both sides should defend their own interests based on the law as the criterion.For example, if the United States accuses China's "crane" with a spy function, it should be evidenced by evidence to sue to the international court; similarly, China has accused the United States in response to Chinese companies and should also resort to law: if the United States cannot get evidence, it will still be able to pay evidence.To let the vocal yellow yellow, that is, to slander Chinese companies and its brands, suspected unfair competition, counter the US government in the international court ... instead of just declare "strong dissatisfaction, resolute opposition", this is not only passive and weak, but also often reasonable.If you can't say clearly, you can't talk about it.

Because fish and bear's paws are not available, the contradictions of the United States often make it not only violates the international standards of its leading formulation of the year, and sometimes directly violate the universal value it advocates, so it makes the East and West WorldIt has caused great chaos, and it also shakes many people's belief in universal value.Of course, the reason for this kind of self -conflict is in the final analysis, or it is caused by too persistence to geopolitical interests.As a result, it has also produced a very serious and worth studying international political proposition: In today's world, it should be international public welfare, general standards and international justice > Some kinds of values ​​> Some geopolitical interests, or in turn, a certain geopolitical interests> A certain value > International Public Welfare, GM and International Justice?

Obviously, if it is the former, a large country with a very different social system and ideology in the international community, can still work together.But if it is the latter, it will eventually only move towards a zero -sum game, unless one party's strength is much greater than the other party, forcing the other party to have to give a step.Because they hope that the other party can make one step, the great powers continue to increase their hard power and soft power, so all kinds of competition and disputes are endless, and the world will never be.

Powerful United States, uncertain U.S., contradictory America, "the country of democracy on the top of democracy", it has indeed suffered great trouble to the entire world.

(the author is a professor at Xi'an University of Science and Technology)