The application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has penetrated into all walks of life, and now the door of farming has also been opened by AI.

Through 5G technology, AI algorithm, and peripheral computing platforms, farmers can obtain real -time agricultural information without going out, including lighting conditions, irrigation needs, fertilization suggestions, and pests and pests to help them make scientific and reasonable agricultural agricultureManagement decision -making, improving the utilization and output of farmland, and making the harvest more stable.

Intelligent seedling is a good example. It has changed the traditional spring plowing method, so that seedlings no longer "eat by the sky", and greatly improve the efficiency of seedlings and seedlings.The intelligent seedlings of Shuangxing Village, Xianlong Town, Yongchuan District, Chongqing City provides precise agricultural management suggestions through the intelligent system to make seedlings grow faster and analyze the growth environment and growth process of rice, and provide accurate agricultural management suggestions.

要更好地发挥AI技术在农业领域的作用,实现农业可持续发展和精准扶贫目标,还必须让AI技术普及化,加强对农民的培训和技术支持,减轻他们的劳动负担,增加Outlets, while improving the sustainability of resource utilization.

Human society has experienced three industrial revolution, and each time it has been promoted to the development of agriculture, such as mechanization and various inventions have helped increase overall agricultural output.Entering the era of Industry 4.0, will agriculture again lead to a big change?