1.4 million households in Singapore will receive another 600 yuan community Development Director Club shopping voucher, of which 300 yuan will be issued at the end of June this year, and the other 300 yuan will be issued in January next year.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai issued a 2024 fiscal budget statement on Friday (February 16). At the beginning, it talked about supporting local families to respond to challenges in front of the current, and announced that it was a supporting and assistant supporting support.100 million yuan, reducing the family's living expenses from various aspects, including the issuance of a new round of social management neighborhood shopping vouchers.

Since the launch of the neighborhood shopping vouchers of the Social Affairs and Council in December 2021, each family of Singapore has received a total of 1,000 yuan of neighborhood shopping vouchers, including 500 yuan just issued last month.The 600 yuan neighborhood shopping vouchers announced this time, and half of the neighborhood stores and hawkers stalls that can be used to participate in the plan can be used for supermarkets.

In addition to neighborhood shopping vouchers, 2.5 million Singaporean adults can also receive special subsidies ranging from 200 yuan to 400 yuan, depending on income.The condition is that they must be 21 years old this year, live in Singapore, no or only one set of real estate, and estimated tax revenue does not exceed 100,000 yuan.

In addition, in order to reduce the impact of the rise in water and electricity costs, Singapore families living in the government group can obtain an additional return deduction of water and electricity costs in fiscal 2024. They are distributed in four quarters and issued 55 yuan to 95 yuan per quarter.Determined.This is a special rebate beyond the regular consumption tax subsidy voucher-the Hydropower Course Recerity (GSTV-SAVE).

Huang Xuncai said that eligible families can get a recovery of hydropower costs with a total amount of up to 950 yuan in fiscal 2024, which is equivalent to 2.5 times the regular hydropower rebate deduction.This can offset water and electricity costs for about four months for residents of three -bedroom and four -bedroom houses.

Singapore families living in the HDB can also get half a month of service and miscellaneous fees (SCC) rebate in January next year.The fiscal year of the HDB household can get a total of two to four months of services and miscellaneous fees.

Hydropower costs and services and miscellaneous fees will benefit more than 950,000 Singapore families.

The government will also fill 6 billion yuan for the GST VOUcher Fund.

Huang Xuncai said that in 2022, the outbreak of Ukraine's war led to a sharp rise in global energy and food prices, and the inflation rate also rose sharply.Despite the rise of prices unprecedentedly, due to the good economic growth in 2022, the revenue growth rate of that year exceeded the inflation rate, and the actual living standards of Singaporeans increased.

However, this was not the case last year.Although inflation has begun to ease, economic growth has also slowed down, resulting in a decline in actual income.

Huang Xuncai said that it was precisely because of the signs of this bad trend that it launched 1.1 billion yuan of living expenses aid facilities in September last year, and pushed the total consciousness and aid supporting support to more than 10 billion yuan.Although the situation is expected to improve this year, the prospects are still uncertain, so it has further strengthened their consciousness and assistance.

He emphasized that when the government design is attentive and aid supporting facilities, it ensures that low -income families and many members, especially those with small and small families, can get more assistance.For example, there are lower -income families with two young children, which can get about 5,500 yuan in fiscal year.This includes cash, health savings, water and electricity costs and services and miscellaneous fees, as well as shopping vouchers in neighborhoods.In contrast, the middle -income family of two young children can also get about 3,000 yuan.

In addition, there are six members, including the middle -income families of two seniors and two young children, can get about 8,000 yuan.

Huang Xuncai said: "These are the specific methods of helping Singaporeans to cope with the pressure of living cost. I guarantee that we always provide support behind us."

Wang Ruijie: We will continue to support our workers, create more ways to social flow, and provide guarantees for families and elderly people.(File photo)
Just like fish, there are many ingredients. The budget includes a series of measures and plans to make our workers, families, and enterprises better.In addition to solving the problems in front of you, the budget also clearly formulated specific plans. By pursuing better development and work, it creates a brightest future for Singapore and Singaporeans.We will continue to support our workers, create more ways of social flow, and provide protection for families and elderly people.——Wang Ruijie, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Policy
Lian Ronghua: The most interesting thing is to help families deal with living expenses, and I am very happy to increase cash subsidies."Singapore and move forward" is a major project. This budget is only the first part, and it will change many aspects of our society.(Photo by Zhuo Yan)