Although Trump, who is expected to come back to Dongshan,, "East Evil" Mahathir's Ember is getting cold and the opportunity to turn around is minimal, the green tide that must not be underestimated in the undercurrents may set off in Malaysia.The stormy waves!Regardless of whether the west monsters can be the same, the political waves they provoked will have a huge impact on our little red dot.

The New Year in the lunar calendar in 2021, Xin Chounian New Year's Day, Joint Zaobao broke the traditional publication as usual, and the column of the "four -sided wall" was also selected in this good day.The cow was recovered, and the resource was recycled, re -re -re -entered, and made a scalp with a scalp and ink that day to open the gongs for this new column.

Three years passed by. This year's New Year's Eve this year fell on Saturday last Saturday. It was just my turn in the column, but the Morning Post has returned to the fine tradition. It is no longer published on the first day of the year. ThereforeThe article that looked back at the wall for three years "was dragged until the eighth day of today and met with readers.

Thinking about how to open the column three years ago, when the column searched for the dry intestine, two of the absurd -and -line international politicians suddenly flashed in front of the eyes.The beginning of the strange status quo of the monster in 20 years.After all, laughing and scolding sketches are more pleased. After the article was published, some people shouted "happy", and some people sighed without any old man: "There is a snail style!" (Snail is a local comprehensive magazine published in the 1970s)

The "snail -style" spicy strokes in the period of being younger. After nearly 50 years of waste, they still use martial arts. They completely worship the two live treasures of this east and west.Only the tone can be tuned and will not live up to them.

Paradoxie is that after three years, the two of them were ghosts, and they appeared frequently in recent days.Alas, I said that there are nothing new in the world, teach me how to write them!

Let's talk about "Western Monster" first, there is such a paragraph in that article three years ago:

"The biggest monster in 20 years is the outstanding performance of the American President of the United States who speaks nonsense and is not amazing.It is the personal interests of the individual. First of all, the ostrich mentality, or if it is repeatedly denied the existence of the epidemic, or it is to dilute the epidemic and oppose wearing a mask, not only will it be responsible for leading the leadership of the country.The anti -epidemic action has been criticized strictly, calling on the people to get up to oppose control and control measures, and even claim that the number of deaths of crown diseases is continuously increasing.Pot, push the responsibility to the Chinese and the World Health Organization.At this point, the world was frightened and dazzled ...

"The highest leader of the world's strongest country, full of absurdity, deserted the board, brought anti -intellectual and anti -scientific theory to the extreme, and even put into action to sacrifice the lives of the people at the expense of politics.Isn't it the largest monster of the year? As a result, the epidemic situation of this country with the world's most powerful medical and health system has severely deteriorated, and the number of diagnosis and deaths has soared rapidly, ranking the top of the world.

The weird behavior of Trump, which is unlikely, is far more than that, and the good show is still behind:

"... This rigid -use person simply did not admit defeat after the defeat, and actually incited the beauty -style 'Red Guards' rebellion and attacked the Mountains of the Parliament of the Supreme Democratic Hall.The farce is stunned and eye -opening. "

From 2020 to these climaxing plots at the beginning of the year, do you still remember?Very exciting?And holding his breath, because Trump, who had stepped down three years ago, is now a good man, and has come back!

Yes, despite the continuous controversy and the lawsuit, facing a total of 91 criminal charges in total, Trump still has me and never given up the presidential dream. Recently, the party's preliminary selection has been over, break out, and go on the line.The opportunity to become a Republican candidate is very high.Even in the national public opinion survey, he will greatly lead President Bayeng of Democratic candidates.

Therefore, "Trump 2.0" has been entered into the media, and it has also attracted the attention of academic and critics.Graham Allison, a well -known Harvard scholar who has proposed the theory of the "Shussidett Trap" theory, published in January this year in the US Foreign Affairs Press, entitled "Trump has been reshape geopolitics" (TRUMP is Already "ReShaping Geopolitics commented and discussed how Trump was elected again. His unconventional diplomatic methods and rebellious policies would change the global pattern.The British Economist Weekly also published an article entitled "The World is Bracing for Donald Trump's Possible Return" in BritishPotential influence, as well as the reactions and preparations of the world's countries that may come to him.

How will the US Supreme Court judge?

As Trump's market rises quickly, the frequency of news and comments on his news and comments is getting higher and higher, and his remarks are becoming more and more bold, constantly challenging the control he are facing.Thinking that even if his actions crossed the border, he had exemption as a president.Although the appeal court ruled that he had no criminal prosecution for exemption on February 6, he immediately appealed to the Supreme Court and requested a suspension of criminal interrogation of him trying to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election.The mainstream media in the United States generally believe that Trump's way to ask President's road is still unblocked.

How will the US Supreme Court judge?Will the American people choose Trump again?These are the internal affairs of the United States, and outsiders cannot be beak.However, the United States is the largest power of the world today. The heads of state selected by Americans have an important impact on the world.Is the US President in China who benefit the people or calamity? The consequences naturally be borne by the Americans themselves.correct.

The international and English mainstream media's views on "Trump 2.0" foreign policy direction are quite consistent, and most of them think that "difficult prediction" and "uncertain".However, from some of his words and deeds and joy, it is not difficult to see some clues: he and Russian President Putin and Israel Prime Minister Natanahu, who have mastered the current two war initiatives, are quite close to the Israeli Prime Minister Neihuhu, and the relationship is very close.Based on the United States priority, he worshiped unilateralism; he likes bilateral transactions and dislikes the multilateral agreement; he has publicized the media on February 4, saying that he will impose tariffs on China again, and the tax rate may exceed 60%;It is also a sensational warning to the country of enemy countries. At a campaign rally on February 10th, it is claimed to "encourage" Russia to attack any NATO member country that has not fulfilled financial obligations!

Who did not know who did the U.S. presidential election at the end of the year, but the whirlwinds rolled up by Trump were overwhelming.The charm of this person is unstoppable.

"Western Monster" will eventually come back?Will the infinite promotion of the "strange form" three years ago, subverting everything, and turning the earth to the world?We can only wait and see.

In addition to the "Western Monster", there is also a "East Evil" that jointly presented "the status quo of the monster in 20 years", which are wonderful.That article described him so: "It is more than just Trump who is alone to implement the plague and concentrate on fing the politics.The politics of our neighboring countries are also talented in this regard.Since the suspense plot is comparable to the "The Student Counterattack", which is comparable to Luo Shengmen, the Pakatan Harapan government's steps down and worshiping the second time are unwillingly unwilling to disappoint the wild.The cross -party and cross -party and cross -part parts and cross -party parties and cross -party parties and cross -party parties and oppositions are operated.The mutual accusation of Prime Minister 'is endless ...

"30 years ago, when the power was gripped and full of ambitions, he vowed his wish to make his wish in 2020 to realize the political horses of the" vision of developed countries "in 2020. Now he is involved in the political vortex of his initiative.Don't remember this unprepared will "

Mahathir's strange talk, we have heard too much in these years!This living treasure with neighbors is 22 years and 22 months old in grasping the Malaysian regime, and even publicly said: "There are many ways to peel the cat skin; there are many ways to peel Singapore's skin."In the first 22 years, he said that it was done, trying to peel Singapore's skin from all aspects, and he raised water supply, sand supply, level, filling, border, sovereignty, long embankment, curved bridge, etc.It is where he uses the knife, the large and small actions are endless, and it is almost difficult to book.

In 2018, he was 22 months after he served as the Prime Minister of the pot. Because he knew that the regime was unstable, he wanted to re -use his old trick to provoke Singapore to shift his attention.But at this time, the old horse has become a poor Guizhou donkey. You can only send an official ship to the Singapore waters to "travel freely" and die. He hopes that Singapore will be forcibly expelled."Bullying" by Singapore, so as to unite the muzzle.The old god of the Singaporean government, who had already seen his routine, ignored it, and he had no interest, so he had to quietly withdraw the boat.

Mahathir knows that it will finally face the post -autumn account

Nowadays, the number of old horses seems to be exhausted. Since being overthrown in the Cervical coup in 2020, he has repeatedly defeated in the subsequent victory struggle, and it is worse. In the 2022 national election, he ledThe motherland fighters were all overwhelmed, and he could not even keep his long -term Qin Yiluo Yiyi.For him, the most heavy blow was to be spurred by the Malay people he had always advertised!

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The author said that after being overthrown in the Cervical coup in 2020, Mahathir has repeatedly defeated in the subsequent victory struggle.For him, the most heavy blow was to be spurred by the Malay people he had always advertised!(File photo)

The one that should come finally came.At the end of last year, the Malaysian Anti -Corruption Association began to take action against the members of the "Mahathir Circle". First, he investigated his biggest friend and former financial minister Dain, and then summoned his two sons to ask.

Mahathir knows that he is not good at it. He knows that he is finally going to face the account after autumn. In addition, there is not much to go to the day.He waved the best racist banner again, and speculated that racial remarks were speculated. If the Malay people were not united, they might be "extinct" within 10 years. Malaysia would be taken over by non -Malaysians.Self -identity as a Malays, not Malaysians, etc. On the one hand, attempting to shift their attention, on the other hand, I also hope that with the somewhat green tide, the battle will be used to kill a life in the struggle with Anwar.

Although Trump, who is expected to resurrect in Dongshan, "East Evil" Mahathir's embers is getting cold and the opportunity to turn around is minimal, but the green tide that must not be underestimated in the undercurrent surging may set off in Malaysia!

No matter whether the western monster can be the right, the political waves they provoked will have a huge impact on our little red dot.But in fact, they are only one of many one of the many cattle ghosts and snakes.

The world's crisis today, the year of Jiachen Dragon, "Long Fei", when we ride the clouds in the strenuous atmosphere of Xianglong in the strenuous atmosphere of the group, we must be a good seat belt.

The author is the editor -in -chief of the United Morning Post