For housewives Zheng Yuyun, living subsidies such as conscience and assistance and consumption tax subsidy coupons can indeed help deal with daily expenses.However, because the expected economic burden at home will gradually increase, she will use these subsidies very cautiously.

Zheng Yuyun (62 years old) lives with her husband, son -in -law, son -in -law, and 14 -month -old grandson three generations in the same house.In an interview, she said: "I am usually responsible for a family of five meals and take care of household chores. It is commonly used to use social neighborhood shopping vouchers. Now everything has increased prices. FortunatelyDaily expenses " After adding new members at home, the expenses will continue to increase significantly. For example, there is a lot of water and electricity costs.

"There are children in the family, and the water and electricity costs will inevitably be higher. At present, our water and electricity costs are about 100 yuan per month. In the past, it was only more than 80 yuan. Because children, such as bathingMore, pay attention to the temperature "

Zheng Yuyun's daughter and couple's pre -order group is expected to be completed in 2026. She is worried that her daughter and son -in -law will have a heavy economic burden in the future. Therefore, now they have received government assistance.

"The burden of raising children is to fall on their daughters and son -in -law. They still have additional overhead in terms of nursery or new house decoration in the future, and the burden will become heavier.Can't be chaotic "


The government also announced that by next year, the special account of the 55 -year -old provident fund member will be closed. The deposit of the special account will be transferred to the retirement account. After the full deposit required by the deposit, the balance will be transferred to the ordinary account.Zheng Yuyun supports the government's approach.

She said: "I often hear a few old friends say that they don't want to enable the provident fund income and wait until the age of 70, because many people are still working or currently deposit.If you come out, you can also earn higher deposit interest rates. "