The government announced that by 2030, it invested nearly 40 billion yuan for the relevant policies of "Singapore to advance", but this year's fiscal budget only announced the first batch of policies, which invested about 5 billion yuan.Scholars of interviewees believe that the ruling party seems to be deliberately "staying with one hand", and it is likely that other policies derived from the "move forward" campaign as the topic of the current election, hoping that voters will be entrusted.

The "Singapore Journey to the Getting" campaign, which was concluded by the 16 -month public consultation, was regarded as the "ruling roadmap" after the succession of the fourth -generation leadership team.Chen Qingwen, an associate professor of Yang Bangxiao Law School of Singapore's University of Management, noticed that although the announcement of the budget seems comprehensive, there are still many policies that have not been announced, including the details of the temporary financial assistance plan for non -voluntary unemployed people to return to the workplace.

"Huang Xuncai said, today is just the first batch of policy to move forward. He has a suspense: how many batch policies will be divided?"

Chen Qingwen speculated that the ruling people's government government may take the remaining "join hands" policy as the subject of the following elections, such as telling the voters to entrust the Action Party to realize these policies.

Scholars interviewees: This year's budget is not like a general election budget

The next election must be held in November 2025, and Premier Li Xianlong also announced that this year will be handed over.However, interviewees feel that this year's budget is not like a "election budget".

Liang Zhenxiong Liang Zhenxiong, a senior researcher at the Social Cohesion Research of Nanyang University of Science and Technology, believes that although the 600 yuan community development director meeting in the budget statement statement is quite considerableBut they are not "red envelopes", and they are more played with the role of "buffer" to help families cope with potential interference and economic challenges.

Chen Qingwen believes that although this does not feel like a general election budget, it is not ruled out that they are paving the way for the election.If the situation allows the ruling party to hold elections before February next year, this is still their budget.

The reason why he thought so was that the government launched quite generous measures in this budget, which benefited everyone.At the same time, the government can maintain balance of income and expenditure and show fiscal strength.

In addition, the government also realizes the pain points faced by Singaporeans, such as houses, launching Parenting short-term housing plan(Open market) Subsidy voucher ."All of these are to eliminate obstacles to some extent, so that even if these subjects are proposed during the campaign, it will not be so sensitive."

Chen Qingwen also noticed that Huang Xuncai talked about the proportion of budgets and safety issues of the Ministry of National Defense this year.This highlights the strength of the DAP government. It is more uncertain and unpredictable by emphasizing the geopolical political environment. If you want a safe and stable Singapore, the government and political parties that have always invested in national defense can be trusted.Essence

In response to the style of the fourth -generation leadership team, Liang Zhenxiong said that the content of the budget statement reflects the team's focus on how to ensure that society is more equal.

"Whether it is this budget, or the multiple policies announced last year, including the relocation of the school from a richer neighbor to a new town, it has released signals to update social contracts. That is, Singapore is not pursuing purely purely.The utilitarian or fierce economy, but no matter your background, you can find the meaning of life.

Dr. Mustafa Izzuddin, a senior analyst of the think tank and consulting company, also believes that updating social contracts must take care of this generation while renewing this generation, with the changes in the next generation and descendants' preferencesStrengthen, including considering the views, interests and values ​​of young people.

He said that young people, as leaders of the current and future, should be the core of social contracts.This budget responded to young people's concerns from the aspects of education, work, family and housing, showing that the government has been studying these topics and provided practical solutions.