A survey conducted by the National Federation of Workers and the Cao Foundation showed that although most employers believe that the training plan can keep mature employees employment and extend their career tracks, but most companies have not implemented this strategy, But mainly through flexible work arrangements to retain older employees.They point out that in terms of employee training, the gap between cognition and practice is not good for mature employees and employers.

The two agencies suggest to strengthen community awareness and propaganda plans, so that employers and the public understand the value and ability of mature employees.Secondly, the training plan must meet the needs and expectations of the enterprise. Enterprises must regularly review and update the training courses in order to keep up with the changing workplace needs.In addition, the general generally urged enterprises to continue to implement flexible work arrangements and redesign in accordance with the diverse needs and experience of mature employees.

With the aging of Singapore's population, the proportion of mature employees in total labor will increase.In the local labor market, 27%of local employees are over 55 or more.It is estimated that by 2030, only 0.7 new employees who withdrawn from the local labor market will fill it.Therefore, the technical level of mature employees is critical to the competitiveness of enterprises and the country.

On the other hand, the rapid development of science and technology, enterprises have transformed into survival and development.The era of employees has passed by the world.A survey shows that the rapid development of artificial intelligence and robots has led about a quarter of American workers to worry about FOBO (fear of being outdated for skills).

The recent labor report released by the Ministry of Human Management pointed out that the employment rate of elderly people at the age of 65 and above has continued to decline in the past two years.It believes that the change of business models is that the transition of physical sales to online sales and severe business prospects may be the reason why more years of self -employed persons choose to retire.

Whether it is an enterprise or a mature employee, they are aware of the importance of skills improvement and lifelong learning to meet the needs of labor aging and rapid changes in the workplace.However, from the survey of the Chief Vocational and Cao Foundation, in practice, the three parties of the labor and government and government have a lot of room for improvement in promoting the training of mature employees.

The government has spared no effort to promote lifelong learning, and as early as 2015, it launched a skill creation plan.The following year, every 25 -year -old Singaporean citizen received a training subsidy of 500 yuan to pay the training cost.In 2020, the government filled 500 yuan for subsidies and gave an additional 500 yuan to citizens from 40 to 60 to apply for professional transition courses.

Yan Xiaofang, Minister of Education and Minister of Human Affairs, recently pointed out in Congress that since the implementation of the national lifelong learning campaign, employee participation rate has increased from 35%in 2015 to about 50%in 2022.In 2022, about 19,200 Chinese people used skills to create future subsidies, which is higher than 156,000 in 2019.

Even so, "only a small part of the Chinese" uses all subsidies.Yan Xiaofang pointed out that some Chinese people did not use the skill of creating skills to create a future subsidy on the grounds that there was no time to receive the opportunity of training or training.This shows that the participation rate of skill improvement still needs to be improved.

Mature employees are in the middle of their careers, especially employees in their forties and fifty -year -olds and are risky to face long -term unemployment. They need more assistance to transfer to new industries.We look forward to that in the fiscal budget on February 16, the government will announce more new measures to assist mature employee training subsidies.

Compared with government agencies, companies and employees are close -up, and they can better understand the difficulties and anxiety they face in terms of skill improvement.If the company can make a forward -looking plan for the training of employees during the transformation process, it will shorten the learning curve, especially the mature employees.

Many mature employees belong to the sandwich layer, with parents, and children must take care of them. Therefore, there may be no spare time to improve their skills.Enterprises should provide on -the -job training for these employees to respond to new needs in the workplace and give reasonable compensation after the employee skills are improved.Those companies that are reorganized through layoffs are difficult to arouse employees' enthusiasm for enhancing their skills.

The business model of enterprises is constantly changing, and many young employees are facing structural unemployment in the face of skills that do not match skills and workplace needs.In order to maintain the employment ability, older employees must have a lifelong learning mentality and work hard.Fortunately, the new generation of mature employees has a high level of education. As long as the mentality is correct, the skills improvement is not an irreplaceable wall.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai pointed out at last year's Labor Day rally that the government will use skill training and lifelong learning as an important pillar of establishing a contract with employees.The government is moving forward through Singapore to study how to invest more for local employees to help them master career plans and continue to learn and improve their skills.

After years of publicity, Chinese people are familiar with lifelong learning and skills improvement.The rapid development of artificial intelligence has improved the urgency of improvement of skills.The three parties of the labor and capital and politics need to strengthen cooperation to deal with the workplace needs of rapid changes.