From AlphaGo, a robot to play a chess robot to ChatGPT, the distance between AI is getting closer and closer. In the next year to five years, what major development and changes will this field have?

Li Kaifu, an international well -known AI expert, believes that "people are stronger than AI and AI are approaching people" is a wrong hypothesis.If you look at comprehensive universal intelligence, he thinks that today's AI has surpassed people.

Therefore, he feels that human beings must leave themselves as gold standards.AI can empower the existing application of human beings.People let AI learn what they need to learn, and then come back as our teacher.

After the end of 2022, experts and scholars studying artificial intelligence have told us that AI -related applications will explode in the next 10 years. No matter what job we are doing, AI will be us will be us.Part of life.It is our tool and our partner.Humans have entered a brand new era.

Lianhe Morning Post launched the "Future 365" series, not a divination -type prediction series, but hopes to invite experts and scholars in various fields each year to change the possible changes in one year.The trend of the year.

The first series of this series interviewed Li Kaifu, an internationally renowned AI expert, chairman and CEO of Innovation Workshop and CEO.

Times magazine launched the first 100 most influential in the field of artificial intelligence at the end of last year, and Li Kaifu ranked among them.Li Kaifu, 62, was born in Taipei. He was educated in the United States. He was the earliest Chinese scholar who studied AI. He was one of the scientists who knew the most AI. At the same time, he was also an expert in risk investment.

This interview was performed through video. Li Kaifu's Innovation Workshop in Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing, I was in the office of the Daba Kiln reporting center.After the visit, I used an AI software to convert the one -hour picture with a voice into text. The accuracy was very high, eliminating at least a whole day when there was no AI.

I think of Li Kaifu's famous saying in 2007: "When a job can be judged or duplicated work within five seconds, this job will be completely replaced."

The robotic cat friend with a treasure bag like Doraemon has not appeared, and AI is already by our side. How can we understand this new era?

AI Enter 2.0 All applications must be rewritten

From AlphaGo, a chess robot that defeats humans to ChatGPT, the distance between AI is getting closer and closer. In the next year to five years, what major development and changes will this field have?

"This problem is very interesting, the assumption behind it is: people are stronger than AI, AI is approaching people. But this is a wrong assumption."

Li Kaifu believes that 20 years ago, AI could do about 1%of them, and AlphaGo could do about 5%, but today AI can do too many incredible things, and the output is more deeper than people.Content, imitating people to make very realistic dialogues, can also invented new drugs and new treatments.

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Li Kaifu: We read, we can only read simpler things, because our brains can not read 5000 pages of articles at once, and we cannot reach a very essential conclusion.AI can quickly make a PowerPoint to explain to us.People let AI learn what they need to learn, and then come back as our teacher.(Illustration/Chen Cun)

"Humans used to be the smartest animal on the earth. What people can do now, 60 or 70 % of AI can be done as good or better. If you look at a comprehensive general intelligence, I think todayAI has surpassed people.

Create the concept of AI FIRST for each application to connect a AI brain

Of course, people can do something that AI cannot do, and AI can do something that humans cannot do.These two species actually have their own advantages, but today humans are no longer the smartest species on the earth.

Nevertheless, AI can empower the existing application of human beings.People need work, entertainment, dating, communication, learning, etc. These needs have a PC or mobile Internet application to support, and Li Kaifu's so -called AI First concept is to allow each application to connect an AI brain.

For example, in the past, if we want to write a report in the past, we will open a text processing software and play on the blank file one by word.When we have an AI assistant, its IQ is equal to 100 doctors and can help people read the information they read.

"Human narrow thinking and very low bandwidth, it is impossible to learn the essence of these knowledge or papers in a short time. We can only read more simple things, because we can't read 5000 at once in our brains.The page of the page cannot reach a very essential conclusion. Human history can reach the technology or software of 100 million users. It was TIKTOK a year ago, and it took about 100 million users in about nine months.For 100 million users, Character AI also reached 100 million in six months.The best technical applications in the world are now AI.(Reuters)