The staff of the United Nations rescue agency in Gaga was accused of participating in the Hamas raid in Israel. The United States and many developed countries have announced that they have suspended funding for the United Nations refugee relief and engineering offices in the United Nations.Faced with this political pressure, the UN Secretary -General Gutres issued a statement saying that the staff involved in the case must be severely punished, but they called for a government to suspend donations to ensure that the actions of the Relief Engineering Office of the Eastern Eastern were continuing.This is undoubtedly the rain of house leaks, because with the spread of Gaza from north to south, more and more refugees are displaced, and the humanitarian crisis is getting deeper and heavy, and the responsibility of losing the relief and engineering departments at this time is even more critical.

Israel accused the relief and engineering staff to participate in a terrorist attack on Israeli civilians on October 7 last year.The United Nations said that nine of the 12 staff members have been fired, one confirmed death, and the other two are still verifying.In response to the terrorist attacks on UN subordinate institutions, the United States, Australia, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, and Japan announced the suspension of funding.The Relief and Engineering Office received a total of $ 1.17 billion in 2022, of which more than 340 million yuan from the largest stroke came from the United States and the second largest allocation from more than 200 million yuan from Germany.The total amount of packed funds exceeds 60 % of the annual budget of the project.

Since the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, Israel has continuously accused the United Nations of favorsing Hamas, ignoring the relief and engineering offices to cover Hamas attack Israel, including allowing Hamas to dig tunnels and storage in hospitals, schools and other facilities managed by the engineering office.arms.Israel is even more dissatisfied with Gutres that has remained silent for Hamas's abduction of Israelic hostages and does not condemn it.After the staff of the Engineering Department involved a terrorist attack, Israeli asked the engineering office director Lazarini to resign.But this did not get a positive response from the United Nations.

When Gutres calls for the suspension of donations to re -consider, Lazarini also warns that the survival of more than 2 million Gaza Palestinians depends on the engineering department.Only 3,000 employees are still in their posts.Lazarini said that because individuals were charged during the war, the entire organization and community were unfair.Therefore, he called on the government to suspend the funding to take his life to avoid disasters from being forced to terminate humanitarian rescue work.

This reality has been recognized by the remaining donations. For example, in the statement of the Norwegian government, it clearly shows: "What you must distinguish between the individual may have done and what the nearby relief project represents."Tens of thousands of employees on the west bank and regions of Gaza, Jordan River, played a key role in distributing assistance, saving life and ensuring basic needs and rights.

The fine -grained modern society attaches great importance to professional ethics. If any of the personal words and deeds of any modern organization members are regarded as violating the professional spirit, they may face serious consequences, because neutrality and professional value are the fundamental guarantee of modern organizations to perform their duties in their duties., People must trust professional organizations to fulfill their duties.As the highest organization representing the international community, the United Nations must seriously deal with the scandal of the relief engineering department.In the current environment of the world's increasingly opposite and rapid loss of mutual trust, the United Nations adheres to the image of neutral professionalism is particularly important. Otherwise, the order of international civilization will inevitably weaken and eventually endanger the interests of all member states.

But at the same time, the dilemma of the people of Gaza cannot be ignored.After the Israeli population is clearing the north and Canada, and it is convenient to annihilate the isolated Hamas militants, a large number of refugees who escape south must not only endure various lives such as the residence, the insufficient food and basic hygiene conditions.Military operations started in the south.It is not easy to provide the container camp and relief for millions of refugees in the war environment. Besides, these United Nations personnel themselves and their families are also in the threat of no different attacks.Funding can no longer operate, and the sandy humanitarian disaster will inevitably intensify.

Relief and Engineering Office was established the next year after the founding of Israel after the founding of Israel in 1948. It is responsible for taking care of the displacement in the war, or leaving the homeland by driving away the policy.About 5.9 million Palestan refugees in Syria.It currently hires about 30,000 employees in Gaza and the West Coast, most of which are Palestinians. Due to the interest relationships and structures generated by local interaction, it is inevitable to sympathize with Palestine and Hamas.This explains why Israel has always regarded the project as a nail in the eyes, and why so many UN staff died in war.To ensure the international reputation and funding of developed countries, the United Nations must face and solve the problems of professional and neutrality.However, Gaza Humanitarian Crisis is also counting countdown. Who is the most important and how to take care of themselves, and all parties must return to rationality.