The main value of this word is diplomatic.Although China is a middle -income country in the northern hemisphere that is competing with the United States for global influence, it likes to describe itself as a developing country that plays an important leading role in the south of the world.For reporters and politicians, high -income, middle -income, and low -income terms are not smooth, nor are it suitable for the news title.Due to lack of alternative phrases, they will continue to use "Global Southern".

Today, the word "global south" is often used.For example, some critics warn that Israel's invasion of Gaza is "alienation of the south of the world", and we often hear that "Global Southern" hopes Ukraine to stop fire.But when people use it, what does it mean?

Geographically, this term refers to 32 countries south of the equatorial (in the southern hemisphere), which is opposite to 54 countries north of the equator.However, it is often misleading as a substitute for most people around the world, although most of the global population is north of the equator (most of the world's land).For example, we often hear the world's most populous India and the second -most China are competing for leadership of the global south. In 2022, both countries held diplomatic conferences, but these two countries were in the northern hemisphere.

Therefore, the word is more like a political slogan, not an accurate description of the world.In this sense, it seems to have become a euphemistic statement that replaces those less acceptable terms.During the Cold War, countries that are neither an alliance with the United States nor an alliance with the Soviet Union are called "Third World".In 1955, the alliance countries held their own meetings in Wandong, Indonesia. So far, 120 countries have formed a loose unclear campaign.

Nevertheless, as the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, the concept of the third world of the third world no longer has much significance.For a while, people often mentioned "underdeveloped countries", but the word contains certain derogation, so everyone soon began to use the "developing country".

Although this term has its own problems (after all, not all low -income countries are developing countries), it turns out that it is useful in UN diplomacy.The 77th National Group (G77) is now composed of 135 countries. The purpose of its existence is to promote collective economic interests.However, outside the combination of Mandarin, the organization cannot play a meaningful role because there are too many differences between member states.

Another popular terms are "emerging markets", which refers to India, Mexico, Russia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China, Brazil and other countries.In 2001, Jim O'Neill, then managing director of Goldman Sachs, created the first letter "BRIC" (BRI "(BRICS) in a report document.Emerging economies with growth potential.Although he provided investment analysis, some political leaders, including Russian President Putin, used the group as a potential diplomatic platform against the United States' global influence.

After a series of meetings, the first BRICS Summit was held in 2009 at Yekaterinburg, Russia.After being included in South Africa the following year, Bric (BRICS) became Brigs.At the 15th meeting of BRICS leaders held in August last year, Cyril Ramaphosa, a South African President, announced that six emerging market countries (Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and UAE) will be in 2024.Joining the group on January 1, the year.

Since becoming a convention agency, BRICS countries are often regarded as representatives of the southern south of the world.But it must be emphasized again that Brazil and South Africa (now Argentina) are the only two member states from the southern hemisphere. Even as a political substitute for the third world, the five countries of the BRICS.limitation.Although some of its members are democratic countries, most of them are authoritarian countries, and there are continuous conflicts between many countries.

For example, India and China have conflicts in the disputed border areas of the Himalayas; Ethiopia and Egypt have disputes on the Nile of Water; Saudi Arabia and Iran are competing for the strategic influence of the Persian Gulf region.In addition, Russia's participation is a mockery that claims to represent the south of the world.

The main value of the word is diplomatic.Although China is a middle -income country in the northern hemisphere that is competing with the United States for global influence, it likes to describe itself as a developing country that plays an important leading role in the south of the world.However, during my recent visit to Beijing, I discovered the difference between them in the conversation with Chinese scholars.Some people believe that this term is a useful political tool; others believe that more accurate terms will divide the world into high -income countries, middle -income countries, and low -income countries.But even so, not all low -income countries have the same interests or priority matters.For example, Somali and Honduras faced the problems.

For reporters and politicians, high -income, middle -income and low -income terms are not smooth, nor are it suitable for the title of news.Due to lack of alternative phrases, they will continue to use "Global Southern".However, anyone who wants to describe the world more accurately should be alert to such a misleading term.

Author Joseph S. NYE, JR is a professor at Harvard University and former Assistant National Defense Minister

English Original Title: What is the global sound?

All rights reserved: Project syndicate, 2023.